Chapter III

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    Tubbo and Ranboo huddled together on the couch, morning light streamed in from the boarded up windows creating a mystical atmosphere. The house was cold, a result of having open windows, but that was the price paid for protection. Ranboo stirred and stretched the best he could with a Tubbo laying on him. Tubbo was out cold, like REM sleep level. Ranboo sat there, and debated the best course of action to get Tubbo off. Without disturbing his sleep of course. His thought process was cut off by a loud bang, and cursing. Someone was outside. 

    He stomped through the fields, stupid mobs trapped him in the city over night. He continued his walk back to his house grumbling and having fake arguments with himself and some jerk. "Well I don't know maybe if you had just stayed home we wouldn't be having this issue!" He huffed, "It was YOUR idea to go out and grab more food! Plus, you were the one that had said there wasn't going to be any Mobs!" "Well I lIED! How does that feel, you satisfied?" He continued marching around thorn bushes and weaving through wheat. He threw his arms up in exhaustion as the fictional person he was arguing with won the disagreement. He cursed, loudly, over and over again. Wasn't like there was anyone out there to hear him anyway.

   He finally made it to his house and began the trek up the driveway. Something was off. Maybe it was just his paranoia setting in, maybe it was stress from the last night, but he was sure that something was there. He pulled a shotgun off his back and held it steady, ready to shoot whatever came at him.

    He climbed up the porch, listening for grunts or hissing. Nothing. Then a movement from the bush. He spun and shot it, leaves flying everywhere and a small bird falling out of the bush. "Oops." He stepped off the porch and grabbed the bird. He had two options now; try and make it into food, or bury it. He decided that the food option was the better of the two and clambered back up to the front door. "Here goes nothing..." Taking a deep breath he slammed his foot into the door, causing it to slam into the wall. That probably caused a dent. Ouch. 

    He scanned the room pointing the shotgun at everything that so much as fluttered in the wind. As he looked he saw that his house was a mess. The kitchen was covered in flour and there were dirty dishes covering every table looking surface. "I know you're here."His voice echoed throughout the house, causing the boys to tense in fear. 

    He walked through the hallway, planning on going into his bedroom to make sure they didn't steal anything. This plan was cut short however when a thump came from one of the closets. "THERE YOU, are?" He flung the door open revealing three children piled on top of each other, shaking in fear. "Please don't hurt us, at least don't hurt them, I'll take the punishment I swear-" The figure stood there shocked for a moment before bending down and sitting criss-cross applesauce so that they could be at eye level. He spoke softly, a huge mood change from the harsh screaming he had been doing not even ten seconds before. "Woah, woah slow down bud, who said anything about punishment?" The kid unburied his face and looked at him, "We did something wrong, right? So we get punished?" The boy tilted his head like a puppy. One of the boys leaned closer to him and whispered something in his ear. He let out a soft "Oh." and looked the "not so scary anymore" guy in the eye.

    It was only then that he noticed the state of the children. They were so dirty, like they hadn't showered in years, they were all covered in cuts and bruises, one of them even had half their body covered in bandages! He gasped and decided that he would help the kids out and make them clean the kitchen. Little gremlins...

    "Well, my name's Wilbur. What are your names?" They all seemed to have a conversation through eye contact before introducing themselves. "I'm big man Tommy!" the blonde shouted. The boy with bandages covering his face gave a small wave and said, "Ranboo". Short and simple. Huh, far less chatty when he didn't think some random dude was gonna torture his friends. "I'm Tubbo! I like bees, and your home is very nice, I like the fields, they have so many flowers!" Wilbur chuckled and stood up, letting the kids tumble out of the cupboard. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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