Chapter II

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A/N: Yes the cake recipe in this chapter works. That is all.

    The train rumbled along the tracks. All the boys nestled in their cabin, sleeping peacefully. They had been safe throughout the night, which really was amazing because a Mob had been just around the other side of the building. Ranboo was kicked out of his dreams when a particular large thump rattled the car. He rubbed his eye that wasn't covered in bandages and stood. Bracing himself he walked out of the cabin without disturbing Tommy and Tubbo.
    "And now to find the bathroom." Ranboo whispered to himself as he crept from car to car, searching for somewhere to go to the bathroom. Eventually he found it. He stood in front of the sink, looking into the mirror for an unhealthy amount of time. He hadn't seen his reflection, in... How long had it been? Ranboo reached his hand up to his face and traced the line where bandages met skin. What did they do to him? He still stood in front of the mirror, trying to find the end of the bandages. He found it and began to unwrap his face. Unwrapping and unwrapping and unwrapping until- The bandages unwound themselves and fell into the sink. His face was covered in scars, and was unusually pale, probably from not seeing the sun. He touched the newly exposed skin and winced, not from pain, the skin felt bloated. Infected. "Oh my god..." How did this happen? When did this happen? He had just assumed that it was from the experiments, but he didn't remember... He didn't remember! The memory book! He wrapped his face back up and ran through all the cars, opening the carriage door and snatching the book he had picked up from his room on the way out.

    Quickly he flipped through the pages, desperately trying to find the one that had information on what happened. In his panic he also roused Tommy who immediately glared at him. "I'm sorry, really." Tommy didn't say anything and just kept glaring at him. Confused, Ranboo sat down and started to read one of the journal entries.

Hi Book, Me. Again. I'm not going to remember this, I can already feel the memories fading so I'll write quick. The people hurt me again. They put me in the box, as per usual, but this time I got sleepy. One of the scientists came in the box with a very large needle, like unnecessary large. Sometimes I think they use big needles just to inflict pain. Anyway, I'm straying from the point. The point of this was, wait they came back- 

A tear fell down his face, stinging his skin. There were so many entries, none of which he remembered making. Each page one more chapter of a life he didn't remember living. His breath caught in his throat as he realized he was sobbing. Tommy was still awake, just watching Ranboo, analyzing his movements. He was trying to figure this guy out, he was strange and it unsettled him. Ranboo made a choking noise and Tommy focused back onto him. He was sobbing. He sighed and stood carefully making sure to not wake up Tubbo. He sat down next to Ranboo who looked at him confused. Tommy said nothing and instead hugged Ranboo. "I'm only doing this for Tubbo." Ranboo hummed and ignored Tommy's rude comments. 

The tears stopped and Tommy pulled away from Ranboo. "So big man, what was that about?" Ranboo decided to just not answer Tommy. "Ranboo, come on man, I know I'm not the most opportune therapist, but you could at least try to talk about it. I don't think writing in that book is going to help you." Ranboo snatched the book back up and held it close. "It's not supposed to help." Tommy's reaction was quizzical, he'd always thought that people kept diaries for their mental health. Something to confide in that they could trust. "What's it for then?" "Remembering." "Oh." Ranboo's response did not answer Tommy's questions, if anything he had more questions now. "Could I read it? Then you wouldn't have to say anything." Ranboo hesitantly nodded and handed the book to Tommy. What's the worst that could happen, he gets abandoned? Been there, done that. He tentatively laid his head on Tommy's shoulder, not wanting to make him mad. He didn't say anything, just opening the book and beginning to read the first chapter. Within the first couple of entries, he was almost crying. He was a big man he wasn't going to cry at some stupid diary. 

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