Chapter 3 - Map of Stories

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When Faye first woke up it took her moment to get her bearings and remember where she was and more importantly who she was with. 

Geralt laid on his back beside her, fast asleep. 

She studied his face, even in sleep he looked troubled. He was shirtless and she found her eyes wandering. Her breath seized in her throat. She had glimpsed his scars last night while he bathed, but in the light of day she could see the extent of the battles he must have fought. His torso a map of stories. She stared, unable to pull her gaze away from him. She could see where a sword sliced in skin open on the shoulder, where a mace must have struck his chest. Her fingers reached out to trace his skin when she pulled her hand back at the last moment, common sense finding its way into her sleep riddled brain. 

Faye was grateful for the invite inside but she thought it best to leave before he woke. Geralt had shown her kindness and now she would do him a kindness and leave before he woke up. She wouldn’t be his burden. 

She quietly shifted the covers off and made to get out of the bed, when a voice froze her in her tracks.

“Leaving so soon?” Geralt's deep voice rumbled, sounding even more gravelly and seductive due to sleep. 

She turned to look at him as he stretched his arms up to rest under his head. Her heart tried to race out of her chest. An awkward laugh left her lips. What was wrong with her? What was it about this man that set her skin on fire? 

“I’m done sleeping. Unless you had other plans?” She asked, cocking her head to the side challengingly. 

“That’s up to you.” he challenged back, raising a coy eyebrow. He could see the color in her eyes swirling. He found it fascinating to watch the play of emotions in her eyes. He was starting to realize her natural color, her normal color was the color of olives, a deep green, but with a hint of yellow in them. Right now they were the color of turquoise, the same color they were before he had the chance to steal a kiss yesterday. 

She felt her heart tighten in her chest and another awkward laugh left her lips. She knew her eyes were betraying her, but she’d look even more laughable retrieving her glasses from her bag to hide them away. 

“No, nothing here peaks my interest,” she said, grabbing her bag and headed towards the door. Just as she was shutting the door she heard him bark “Liar.” and a soft chuckle followed. Faye leaned against the door and sighed heavily. She was mad, insane. Part of her wanted to entertain the response the Witcher elicited in her, the other part was terrified by it and wanted to run far far away from the man on the side of the door. She felt the wall give way behind her and she yelped out in surprise as she fell backwards, but instead of landing on her behind she was caught by a pair of arms, a pair of strong, warm and dare she think it, lovely arms. 

“Falling for me already?” Geralt murmured lowly, his lips brushing the side of her temple.

“No, Witcher.” She shifted in his arms ever so slightly to look into his eyes. His gold eyes watched her curiously as his gaze flickered to her lips. Faye’s tongue instinctively licked at her bottom lip, but before she could think further on what she saw on his face she was back on her own two feet, a respectable distance set between them. Disappointment crossed her face and a grin spread across the Witcher’s handsome one.

“Something funny?" She asked indignantly, a flush creeping across her cheeks.

“Nothing funny about a woman denying what she wants.” He tilted his head sideways regarding her with knowing eyes, the humor gone from his face.

Faye was taken aback by that comment. Why that cocky, son of a, “What I want is a nice warm breakfast and to be left alone.” She said hautly, turning on her heels to stock down the stairs, unnerved by the obvious mutual interest they had in one another.

“No side of hot blooded male?” Geralt called after her, his voice was riddled with humor. He stood there musing to himself. He can’t remember the last time someone caused him to laugh so freely, it was a refreshing change he thought as padding down the stairs, following the woman who was sure to haunt his dreams one day.

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