Chapter 7 - Exploration

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Things a starting to get spicy - this chapter is MA.

Faye had been in the woods, Geralt had been listening to her. He could tell she was struggling with a decision, but he left her to her own devices. He lounged against a log, by the warm fire, watching the flames dance. The color of the flame and his eyes indistinguishable. 

A while later he heard Faye’s quiet approach. He looked up to see Faye unlacing her dress. She knelt down before him, her eyes grey with streaks of silvery blue running through them. 

“What are you doing?” Geralt asked in dismay, sitting up abruptly, grabbing her hands. "Repaying you.” She said simply, pulling her hands out of his grasp and started working on the laces of her dress once more. 

"Faye stop. A woman comes to my bed willingly, not to repay a debt." he said tersely, leaning back against the log, staring into the flames once more, his jaw taut. 

She looked at him confused, was he serious? Was he dismissing her attempt to pay him back? 

"Keep what's yours Faye, you have more to offer than just your body.” He murmured, his lips pinched as he glanced up at her.

"Not when you're alone in a man's world without coin.” she sighed, turning to sit beside him, resecurring the laces of her bodice. 

“You’re not alone now.” He murmured lowly, his eyes trained on his lap.

“Yeah.” she said thoughtfully, she tightened her cloak around her and leaned against Geralt's shoulder watching the flames. Her nerves were frayed. Part of her was relieved that Geralt didn’t take her up on her “repayment” but the other part of her wanted to know what it would feel like to be with him. To touch him freely, to feel his sole attention on her, his much wanted attention.

“Faye.” Geralt’s voice rumbled close to her ear.

“Hmm?” she responded distractedly, looking up to find him watching her. 

“If you bite your lip much longer you’re going to gnaw right through it.” He said softly, his eyes drifting between her face and her mouth.

She slid her lip out from between her teeth, slowly. He was so close, his mouth inches from hers. Her mouth parted as she admired the man beside her. The curve of his mouth was so sensual, she had the wild thought of tracing the shape of his lips with her tongue. She felt her pulse hammering in her chest as she thought about what it would be like to kiss him. She licked her lips unconsciously, staring into his eyes. 

“Geralt, can I kiss you?” She whispered breathless, a look of shock slowly washing over her face as she realized she asked that out loud.

“Is this another of your attempts to pay me back?” His eyes hardening against her, his lips pressing firmly together.

“No.” she shook her head, sitting up, twisting to lean over him, her hands resting on his chest. “I want this, I want to kiss you.” She said quietly as she bit at her lower lip again, a flush crawling up her neck. Her eyes nearly glowing in the darkness, the purest turquoise. 

Geralt’s gaze lingered on her eyes then her moistened lips before a low growl issued in his throat and he leaned forward to claim her lips in a demanding kiss. 

Faye emboldened by Geralt’s advances, Faye ran her hands up his chest, to wrap around his neck. Faye felt Geralt's hands twine themselves in her hair. Her eyes rolled back in her head. A soft sigh of pleasure leaving Faye’s lips. She had never experienced a kiss like this. She finally realized what girls met when they said it ‘curled their toes’. Faye was swamped with feelings caused by kissing this man. Her heart felt like it was in her throat, hammering away, trying to escape her chest. She felt a flood of intense pleasure and pressure building between her legs and she felt an overwhelming need to explore the sensation further. Without conscious thought she shifted her legs to straddle Geralt’s hips, pressing her body tightly against his. Geralt groaned when she made contact with the hard steel of his erection, his hands shifted to wrap around her hips. She gasped out at his unexpected hardness and the intense jolt of pleasure it caused her to be so tightly wedged against him. She shifted her hips again and moaned into Geralt’s mouth. She had never felt so turned on in her life. She was shocked by the pulse of need building in her. Before she knew what she was doing she had started working on the buttons of Geralt’s shirt, never breaking their impassioned kiss. One of her hands slipped under his shirt to feel his warm, and beautifully muscled chest. She heard him growl before he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from him.

“Faye stop, this goes no further tonight.” He rasped, his teeth clenched tightly as he fought to control himself. She was so warm, supple, and willing, but if he didn’t put a stop to this now, he never would.    

Faye sat up, flushed and panting, her legs still straddling his hips. Geralt’s eyes widened and inhaled sharply as her movement caused her core to press more firmly against his cock. 

“Gods woman, you're trying to kill me.” He growled, lifting her off of him completely, setting her down gently beside him. She stared at him, her eyes bright blue and wild with lust, her breathing still labored, her lips swollen, her hair beautifully disheveled. It took all his willpower not to grab her and say fuck it. He turned to stare into the flames of the small fire trying to collect himself. Where was his training, his control, never had he allowed himself to get so swept up in a mere kiss. But that wasn’t just a kiss, Geralt saw lightning when he kissed her, the world lit up around him. What the fuck is happening? He thought.

“Geralt I.” She tried to force her brain to work. “What was that?” she asked, trying to control her urge to throw herself back at him, instead she settled for scooting closer to press against his leg, so she could still touch him, could still feel him. She felt uncomfortable, she felt the need to create friction between her legs, there was an intense pressure that caused her to skirm.

Geralt was staring straight ahead refusing to look at her. He could smell her desire, almost taste her on his tongue. He saw her shifting, trying to elevate the pressure between her supple thighs. Gods, what was he doing with this woman? He didn’t have the patience nor care necessary to take a maiden on her first real sexual journey. 

He felt her hand on his cheek, urging him to look at her. He realized now that she’d been talking to him. He let her turn his head. She was looking at him with confusion, the passion starting to fade in her eyes.

“Geralt.” She whispered. “I’m sorry.” She said at a loss of words, unsure what caused this sudden shift in his actions.

“Don’t be, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He ground out, biting at the inside of his lip. 

“Then why don’t you,” She started.

He cut her off “I ever so clearly do” he sighed, grabbing her hand to feel his stiff cock, her fingers flexed reactively. Geralt closed his eyes and took a deep breath pulling her hand away once more. She could be a succubus with how crazy she was driving him. He’s barely done more than kiss her and he was ready to rip both of their clothes off and ravish every inch of her.

“Then why?” she asked, anger creeping into her voice.

“You deserve more than what I can give you.” He said, biting his lip hard, not that he wanted anyone else to give it to her either. No! he thought savagely, putting a halt to that thought.  

“No, you don't get to decide that. I want you.” She said defiantly, scooting even closer to him, her breasts pressing against his knee.

“No,” he said firmly, “at least not tonight.” He sighed, his resolve weakening as he looked into her lovely trusting eyes, his eyes sweeping over her pretty swollen lips and becoming flush on her neck and cheeks.

“But a different night?” she asked hopefully, a mischievous glint appearing in her eye.

He didn’t say anything as he stared at her. 

“Can we seal that deal with a kiss?” She asked coyly a smirk playing across her lovely full lips. 

Geralt sighed in relief that she was letting this go...for now. He was used to pissing people off, but never from leaving a woman wanting. He was prepared to have her scream at him like a banshee. 

“Fine” he leaned forward, she tilted her head up to meet his lips but he bypassed her mouth and kissed her cheek instead. He pulled away with a roguish grin.

“No fair.” She said miffed, wanting so desperately to feel his lips against hers one more time.

“Be more specific the next time we make a deal.” he grumbled in amusement at her indignation. 

“Next time I’m going to tell you to kiss my ass.” She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest, clearly set on ignoring him.

He laughed, truly laughed, he laughed at her quip, he laughed at her pout and he laughed knowing he was truly doomed with this alluring but very strange young woman. 

She glared at him, but couldn’t stop the slight smile that settled on her lips. His laughter was charming, and she knew he didn’t have enough of it in his life.

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