Chapter 17 - I'm the Butcher. So?

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~~Not really sure where I want to fit this in at, but here is a short chapter. Enjoy!~~

Geralt seemed out of sorts, again. His face was stern, if his jaw was locked, he was quieter than usual and to top it off he was avoiding making eye contact. As the day went on this started to put Faye on edge.

"What has your trousers in a bunch?" Faye asked, finally fed up with being ignored.

He grumbled at her.

"Geralt" she whined, grabbing his hand, attempting to turn him to face her.

"Stop that" He growled, pulling his hand away from her grasp.

"Why?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Why? Because I'm a butcher," He said, his back stiff, his fists clenched, "you're not for me."

"No, you don't get to decide that." She rounded on him, grabbing his jaw, forcing him to look down at her. Faye looked at him with a mixture of anger and pleading. "You are no more a butcher than I am an innocent princess." she continued loosening her grip on his chin.

He rolled his eyes, "You hardly know what I've done." He countered, glaring down at her.

"And I don't need to to know your heart." She said firmly. "We all have our horrors, we all have a past and we never know what the future holds, but I know I don't want to face it without you. Even if that means you use me as bait to lure monsters out or I'm running for my life when we're ambushed or maybe even one day when I'm skilled enough to be fighting beside you. Geralt of Rivia, whether you're my butcher or dark knight, you're mine." She said, impassioned, determined for him to listen.

He stood there staring into her eyes, trying to understand the trust she had for him, the love that was so clearly shown in her eyes.

He stood in silence staring down at her. He just stared, his mouth pinched. Faye waited, steeling herself against a rebuke, but instead he sighed.

"You're raving, you know? I should lock you up in a tower for your own safety."

"You think that tower would be safe from me?" She smiled connivingly. "You said I could belong with you, you don't get to change your mind now," She said seriously. "There is something very real that links us together." She continued more softly.

Geralt stiffened his eyes sharp. "Destiny" he rasped.

"Destiny" she repeated tasting the word on her lips, her eyes watchful as Geralt processed this new information. "Do you believe in Destiny?" She asked quietly, her hand running up and down his arm.

"It looks like I have to." He whispered "Because I don't think I can outrun you."

Her fingers laced behind his neck, and she pulled him against her, taking his lips. "Good." She said wickedly.

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