Chapter 13 - Punch Card

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-This one is just for fun. I had no other place to fit it in the story - hope you enjoy

"Man what is with you and whores? It's like you have a call sign" Faye muttered, eyeing the trollop that was fast approaching, her smile wicked, her stance domineering. Faye took a forceful bite out of her apple.

"Do you have a punch card, after so many go rounds you get an orgy?" She asked out of the side of her mouth, chewing mulishly.

"Hey Hon, looking for some company tonight?" The harlot simpered, running her finger down his chest suggestively

"Oh fair maiden, please do not tempt this poor man." Faye said, her voice was thick with despair, pushing her way between the whore and Geralt. Faye's back was pressed firmly against Geralt's chest and he didn't make any effort to move away from her. Faye hesisted for a second before remembering she was in the middle of scaring this woman off. Faye cleared her throat. "For the poor soul is impotent" She continued whispering the last word close to the woman's ear.

"I'm sure I could change that." she smirked, clearly sizing up Geralt as her next sexy witcher meal.

"Oh you wouldn't be the first to think that but, sweet girl, please be warned when he's provoked and unable to perform he goes into a blind rage and has been known to kill his lovely companion." Faye said, laying on the dramatics thick, holding her apple to her forehead in feigned anguish.

She looked at Faye disbelievingly "Is this true?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at the witcher.

He opened his mouth and Faye reached up, simultaneously, stuffing her apple into his mouth.

"Alas, the curse also forbids him to talk. He's a mute and impotent. Such a tragedy." She said frowning looking up at Geralt, the glint in her eye wicked with humor.

"And who are you?" The woman asked, crossing her arms over her chest, eyeing the two of them speculatively.

"I am but his humble, loving sister set on protecting young women from his alluring but misleading face." Faye said, smacking his cheek in a non too gentle manner.

The whore eyed the two of them and walked away looking disgusted.

Geralt took a bite out of her apple. "My sister?" He asked, eyeing her disapprovingly.

"That's what you land on?" She asked, grabbing the apple, taking a large bite out of it.

"Well I sure as hell don't want you to be my sister." He bit off begrudgingly

"Well maybe word will spread about your terrible condition and I won't have to scare off as many whores."

"Or you could just stake your claim before they approach." He offered

"Well I don't want to be giving you the wrong idea by doing that?" Faye scoffed, her cheeks flushing, imagining what it would be like to have the right to kiss him when she liked.

"What else am I to assume when you keep scaring away willing women?" he asked, crossing his arms, eyeing her speculatively.

Her eyes narrowed. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, maybe he wasn't as amused with her mettling as she thought. "Witcher if you want an easy pair of open legs, don't let me get in your way." Faye said tersely, turning her back on Geralt, walking in the direction of the inn. You have no right to feel hurt, she scolded herself as she walked away. Geralt wasn't hers. People can share kisses, that doesn't mean you have any claim on them. Maybe that's why he didn't want things to progress beyond that.

Lost in her own despair she turned as she felt someone tugging her hand, spinning her around.

She opened her mouth to berate the Witcher, but her anger was cut off by Geralt's mouth crashing against hers. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, dragging her close against his body. His warm, very strong, very male body. She slipped her arms around his neck and surrendered to his kiss. Her fears evaporated with each stroke of his tongue.

He pulled away looking down into her ocean blue eyes. Her lovely lips moist from his kiss.

"What was that?" She gasped, staring into his molten amber eyes.

"You're charming when you're jealous." He said bending low to kiss her jaw, her cheek, the corner of her lips, her nose.

"Do I pay you now?" She asked breathless, clearly taken aback by the change of events.

He laughed and slowly let her go, allowing her to find her balance.

"You couldn't afford me." He said, leaving her standing there gaping as he continued towards the inn.

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