Old Best Friends

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A/N Heyyyyyyyyy! so as Shay pointed out i'm really not good at these so should i just cut hem out or what!?! and SHAYNA SANFORD STYLES!!!!!!!! why would you do that?? make meee write all the awkwardness......>>insert pouty face here<< yeah so onward with chapter 3!!!!!!!!!! Look at the yummy ness on the side



Louis' P.O.V.--

No way! No way am I spending all my free time with those idoits!!! You know Louis one of those idoits is your old best friend...No don't even talk to me voice in my head just don't. Well Louis, aren't you being sassy today.. Oh my god that was creepy, i'm going crazy. NO! Mr. Sheeran is crazy. "But you can't do that Mr.Sheeran!!" Niall said, the first to break the silence. "I can and I am Mr.Horan, I know you 6 don't really get along, but you'll see, you will be fine." He has got to be kidding me. I can't belive this. "Are you sure you wanna do this Sir, I mea-" Harry pleaded. Harry eh? what happened to Styles? Ok this has to stop, like now. "Yes, Harry I am. Please all of you calm down the bell is going to ring soon and I want you off to class." I looked over at Josh who was looking at me sympathaticaly. "Sorry dude, I guess I just lucked out right?" Not cool, not at all.

**Last Period**

I was sitting at the back of Ms.Flack's Science class when Niall texted me. Hey man we gotta figure what to do after school, like y'know whos house and shit.-Nialler Great. Well i'm not doing anything. Well i guess you guys could come to mine..i'll text cher could you like like idk pass a note to one of the losers-Boo I sighed. In 10 minutes I would be heading to my house with the outcasts. And Harry. No what am I saying Harry is a outcast. Yeah i'm definitly going crazy. God what is wrong with me. Nothing Louis, you just don't hate harry like you think you do! "Oh my god" I mumbled under my breath. This shit sucks! Hey Cher bear wassup!! The losers have been invited!!!-Lou I sighed. Again. My buzzed 2 times. Niall must've texted me too. You are kidding me right??!?!-Cher. no sadly i'm not sorry..-lou I opened the next one just told payne, he said okay i asked him if he had a ride he said no.i told him he could us along with styles-Niall Great in car with him. My dream come true!!! Not. Thats cool. not. but whatever what about the other one?-boo I got a response quickly He left school early, work according to Liam.-Nialleh Liam? So they are on a first name basis now? What? Liam....huh. well ok-Loubear Awesome. Bringggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!! Ah great, time to ruin my life.

I was standing by my car looking at the ground when a pair of feet came into view. "Whats so interesting." Someone said in a rather sexy voice. I looked up to see Harry staring at the ground. "Nothing, are you getting in or what?" Harry looked up "Ummm..yeah." Harry walked around to the passengers side and got in just as I opened my door. We sat in my car for what seemed like forever before Harry said something that caught me off guard. "I'm sorry ok, but it wasn't my fault!" I barley got my "What?" out before Niall and all his loudness got in the car. "HEYYY LOUUU!!!!!" He shouted as he sat down. He gestured to Harry and said "Styles.." I looked up to see Payne walking over to my car and Cher right behind him. Cher opened the side door and hopped in right behind Liam. Liam sat down next to Niall and Niall looked at him and... SMILED!!!!! What!??!?!?! Oh my god. "Hey Loubear!" Cher cheerfully said. "Hey..." I mumbled. We drove in almost complete silence. We got to my house and as I pulled into my drive I noticed my moms car in the driveway. I got out and my thoughts ran wild. Oh god......oh god no. Mom she knows who Harry is and lottie...oh no lottie might remember.....Oh god!!! "C'mon mate what ya doin' standin' there!!!. I turned and noticed Harry was hanging back too. He was looking at My house and the one across the street. His old one. He turned and looked at me. I almost wanted to go and hug him, he looked so broken. And I knew why. All of his childhood memories were staring him in the face. Suddenly an image over-took my mind. A 5 year old curly haired boy now stared at me, looking so vanruable. Then I realized it was Harry his knee was all scratched up and he was almost crying from laughing so hard. Then another boy showed up only it was me. I had scratches on my elbows and was laughing also. Then I figured it out. It was Me and Harry when we fell from the tree in my backyard. " Come on you two lets go!" Cher said from the pathway. "Coming I mumbled. Harry had already started walking towards the door.

Harry's P.O.V.--

I thought I was going to be sick. Nothing could have prepared me for that. Everything I tried to forget, coming back to me in flooding memories. I had already started walking towards the door when Lous started walking behind Me. The door was open I could see the inside of the house. Liam was just staring gwaking at everything while I was standing there ready to brake down into tears. This was worse then it had been outside. The worst part was that nothing had changed. And I mean nothing, the rug I stood on, the same. The chandelier that hung off the ceiling, the same. Even the same pictures were there. Including one of a certain curly haired boy with a big smile standing next to a chesnut haired boy with a even bigger one. Louis shoved past me ad turned it so it faced the wall. Liam was too busy staring at the ceiling to notice and Niall had run off in the direction of the ceiling. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse they did. Jay walked into the room, "Hey Lou who- Harry...."She breathed. That got Liams attention. " Hey Jay. How have you been?" "Umm fine Harry, and yourself." Well that was nice. Too bad i'm not " Well as good as things can be when you don't live uptown eh?" I said, my voice dripping of sarcasam. " Well good to see you again!" "You too Jay!" I Said. Just Then the familliar voice of Louis' little sister came down the stairs. Lottie the only one I even like in this family. Well really I loved that little girl, she was awesome. " Mum What is going on down here!" She said, walking down the steps. She looked and her eyes connected with mine. "Harry!!!!!!" She squealed. "Lottie!" I said, less enthusiastic. She flew down the stairs."HarryHarryHarryHarry!!!!" She said as she flung herself into my open arms. "Harry what are you doing here!!?!?! I've missed you sooooooo much!!" She was too awesome. "Haha I missed you to! honestly!" I said. "Um I hate to ruin whatever moment this is you're having but..uh...what's going on???" Liam said finally able to form words. "Long story, and besides we have work to do, Lottie let Harry go." Louis growled. "Y'know, Tomlinson, Mr. Sheeran said we had to get to know every member of our group! So what is this long story??hmm." Louis rolled his eyes and Niall walked in with a plate full of food "Hey guys what's going on? Ohhhhh right Liam doesn't know right right, so you gonna tell the lad or what!" Woah what...since when did Niall know? "Um Louis, since when does Niall know?" Louis looked away sheepishly. "Well I, uh, told him the 1st day he came to my house...he uh saw the pictures.. Mum had the uh, the old albums out." Oh so Niall knew our little secret. But I wasn't allowed to tell Liam or Zayn. Wow. "Hey guys!" Liam said. "Still waiting on that explanation!!!!" Well might as well....

---------------heyyyyyyyyyyy wassup did you like????






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