My House.

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OK. I didn't update all summer. I also haven't updated in awhile becasue i've been doing alot of work on Real Reality and I do several sports including VolleyBall and Soccer and I also Paddle, which takes up most of my time, and my training is even more time cos canada games trials are in a week so. yea.

I know, Not valid excuses but whateves. :) So if you want a dedication for the next chapter YOU MUST:

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Zayns P.O.V.( yeah I did That shit good ps. vote if you get it!)

Ok so I was going to Louis' house again. Which was also Chers house. Ahem.. Mansion. But in all seriousness, I was nervous as hell. She wasn't at school and I felt bad, but I also didn't want to talk to her.

She was absolutly gorgeous, i'm not gonna lie. Thats not the reason I was afraid to talk to her though. I, Zayn Malik, am a ladies man. I always have been and I always will be. So you see I never had any trouble chatin to girls, then Cher came along. I hate to admit it, but she intimidated me. She was so outspoken, firery and confident. She knew she was gorgeous, I didn't need to sweet talk her and tell her.

The first time time I tried to speak to her was in year 8. I made an absolute fool of myself, by stuttering and sputtering.

I was pretty happy with myself for coming up with the idea of the song. Tomlinson and Horan were pretty surprised I think, by hearing me put an idea out there. Believe it or not, i'm pretty deep, and funny. Can't forget that.

"MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN FACES PASS AND I'M HOME BOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis sang at the top of his voice. Mind you he was, indeed driving, and swirved a little.

"Louis, calm down before you get us into an accident." Harry said. I nodded.

"Thats I pretty good idea mate." I added. Louis rolled his eyes and sighed. I laughed. Louis was acually really funny. He was also really, really loud. He was absolutley crazy as well.

I don't know what sparked a little flame inside Harry, but being with Louis and getting along with him, was the happiest i'd ever seen the lad. It was like they were the best of mates, I guess they used to be, but they hated eachother for 6, almost 7 years. I looked up and noticed Hary was showing Louis something on his arm. His tattoos. Harry was explaining his tattoos to Louis. Harry had never explained his tattooos to anyone, not even me, who had given him half of them. I supposed that it was because they were part of his hard childhood, which only Louis knew anything about.

"Yo, Tomlinson, keep those eyes on the road!" I yelled to Louis.

"You people really underestimate my driving skills, don't you?" He scoffed.

"Yes!" We all shoted at the same time, even Niall. Louis pouted and looked ahead of him. Harry laughed, because it was his fault.

"Don't you laugh at me, Curly." Louis warned as we pulled into his yard. We all exited the rover and walked up to the door as Louis gave a look of I don't even know what, to Harry. By the time Louis reached the door Niall had already reached the kitchen. Harry still seemed really uncomfortable. I saw him Whisper something to Louis and he nodded. Harry started to walk towards the road when Louis grabbed his wrist. Louis' face was almost pleading, I made out the words "Dont' and " Alone". Harry nodded and started walking inside. Once inside Louis and Harry dropped they're bags.

"Me and Harry'll be right back, just help yourself to whatevers in the fridge and wait to start." We all nodded our heads as they 2 of them left. I made my way to the kitchen.

Harry's P.O.V.

I just wanted to see who owned the house and see what was the same and what had been changed. By myself. But Louis insisted he come along. He said he didn't want me going alone and having a mental breakdown. I don't think he knew the only metal breakdowns i'd ever had were from him. But not like people who are in love and go crazy because the other doesn't have the same feelings. no. I had panick attacks because he bullied me. I'd sit in the restroom at break and cry sometimes. Just becasue Louis actually cared and loved me,didn't mean i'd forgivven him. I was still mad as hell. Stuff like that couldn't have been fixed in a day. 6 years of torture. 6 years.

"You know I could've come by myself." I said as we reached the front door.

"Well that just sucks, doesn't it." He stated. He knocked and we heard footsteps coming down the staircase. I remeber the staircase, i'd slide down the banister. My mom would yell at me and tell me i'd ruin the paint job.

Louis told me the people who owned this house were nice, and I was hoping he was right. A lady who was most likely in her mid 30's opened the door.

"Oh hello Louis, can I help you?" The women said. Louis flashed a smile.

"Mrs. Moulten, this is my friend Harry, his mum, Anne was the previous owner of your home. He was wondering if he could take a look around and see whats changed, or whats the same." She gave Louis a look, but gestured for us to come in anyways.

"I'm sure you two know your way around, i'll stay out of your way." He smiled and I said thanks.

"After you Hazza." He said with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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