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Every girl wants on her wedding the person she loves the most in this world to be present but in my case it's totally different.

I wanted Simon to be by my side on my wedding, leading me through the aisle but again he isn't here. He talked to me last night and said he can't come right now there are few things going on with his company.

I know things are not well with him but can't he for once come to see me. I am not getting married everyday.

The designer made this dress so fucking heavy. When I described it to him I didn't think it would be so freakin' hard to handle this stuff.

Well I wanted a dream wedding and to some extent it is going as I wanted.

Just like my books!

Well if you are wondering why to some extent that's because my husband is going to be the person who is super nice to me but he won't ever love me. By the way if you weren't wondering then ignore the above explanation.

While walking down the aisle when I raised my gaze the one person I saw, at this point I can say he is the most beautiful person I have seen in my life.


Oh Sweet Jesus! He is dressed just like the character in my book.

He was wearing a black tuxedo with white shirt inside all buttons of the shirt were neatly done. His hair was a bit messy but perfectly set. And that look overall looked breathtakingly hot.

When I finally reached close he extended his hand towards me I gladly took it and stood beside him.

The priest started with the vows.

I remained quiet listening to the priest excitedly. Why excitedly? Again I am not getting married everyday, of course I am excited.

After the vows will be done I have to click so many pictures with my oh-so-sweet-husband.


Anyways I have to post the pictures on my Instagram...

My wedding!!!

And tomorrow I'll be trending all over the news.

'The famous writer Hazel Cameron got married to Rafael Martinez!'

Oh Sweet Jesus! You could've made me a bit less beautiful for the girls not to get jealous of me.

*Mentally flips hair*

"Where were you last night?" Rafael whispered from beside me ignoring the priest completely.

"I think we should remain quiet." I whispered back.

He rolled his eyes "Well do you really think I will listen to that? I am Rafael Martinez, no one orders me what to do and what not to."

I rolled my eyes.

"Now tell me where were you? I called you three times."


"Really? And where exactly is that somewhere?"

"Don't know maybe hanging out with some very good-looking and exciting guy." I smirked looking at him moving my brows up and down.

He shook his head sighing "You're not gonna answer me, are you?"

"I too need some personal space."

"I hope that personal space doesn't involve sneaking out at night."

Oh it does.

"Nope." I lied without hesitation.

Of course without hesitation. I didn't want to ruin my only chance of getting out from that god damn house.

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