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When I woke up there was no one in the room. Sitting up on the bed I picked up the glass from the bedside table and drank water. I could still feel the weakness. At the same time Dad entered the room with a tray in his hand Rafael following him from behind.

"Finally you are awake!" He said coming inside the room taking a seat beside me. Rafael stood at a distance with his eyes fixed on me. Dad asked again "Feeling better?"

I nodded "A lot."

"I have brought some soup for you." He then leaned closer to me and whispered "And don't worry it's not vegetarian."

I chuckled when my eyes fell on Rafael there was a light smile on his lips too.

"Thank you, Dad."

"Oh you don't have to thank me Haze, as a Dad I think it's my responsibility to take care of my daughter."

He placed the tray on my lap, I started having the soup from the bowl.

"Is it good? I asked Deborah to add many things in it to make this disgusting soup taste good." Dad asked.

"It is good." Then I leaned a bit and whispered "But I still miss pizzas and pastas."

Dad laughed "That's right nothing can replace those."


"Once you get well, we'll have a lot of junkie foods."

"Junkie foods? Yeah sure."

After I was done with the soup, Dad made me have my medicines then asking me to take care of myself he left the room leaving Rafael and I alone in the room.

"Can you take me to the closet, I need to change? My head is still hurting." I asked shyly.

He nodded and lifted me in his arms in bridal style leading to the walk-in closet. He put me down and waited turning his back towards me, I was taking off my clothes when suddenly I felt my head spinning instantly I held Rafael's shoulder for support. Rafael turned towards me grabbing my waist pulling me towards him.

"Hazel." I held him for some more time when I was feeling a bit better, I moved away from him. "You okay?"

I nodded.

"I'll help you." He said taking out a dress for me from the closet.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"It's fine Hazel. You are sick."

I nodded my head.

His hand went to my back, slowly he pulled down the zipper of my top, my breath hitched he was too close to me. Slowly he removed the straps of my top, his fingers caressing my skin. After he removed my top, his hand went down to my jeans he unbuttoned it then pulled it down leaving me just in my bra and panties. I closed my eyes, my hand turned into fist in embarrassment. His hands tracing my thighs.

"Rafael." I breathed.

"What are these scars, Hazel?" He asked.

My eyes opened instantly. I looked down at my stomach to see his fingers were on my scars.

"S-Scars." I couldn't say anything more than that.

Should I tell him?

"Hazel, what are these scars?" he repeated. This time it seemed a bit impatient.

I felt tears forming in my eyes.

Don't cry Haze.


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