CHAPTER 28: How will I stop him?

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"He will kill him Haze. You can't stop him."

I stopped struggling.

He was right, there's no use of yelling, this man in front of me is someone I don't know, someone complete stranger to me.

He doesn't even care that the gunshots could affect me.

I can't do anything to stop him.

He was punching Uncle with those knuckles fixed in his fingers. He stabbed him continuously in his hand, until Uncle was half dead. Uncle was barely able to open his eyes, he was bleeding, screaming in pain but it was like Rafael wasn't able to hear any of that.

He stopped when he was sure that Uncle was almost lifeless, barely able to move or speak.

Never have I seen this side of anyone not even those people who killed Mom and Dad.

But yes he does remind me of them, maybe he too was involved in killing my Mom and Dad. Maybe? No. Not maybe. He killed my Dad, Simon said it was Vincent.

"We'll meet again Christopher." He said breathing heavily then picked up the gun from the chair and pointed it at Uncle "in hell."

With that he pulled the trigger... He shot Uncle in the head.

I remained rooted at my place as Uncle's lifeless body remained on the chair covered with blood, his eyes were still open. I couldn't even go near him I was so scared I just saw him dying in front of my eyes and again I didn't do anything.

I could feel myself shaking on my place.

Just like I didn't save Dad, I didn't save Uncle. I could have saved him but I didn't.

For once my eyes landed on Rafael to see him looking at Uncle with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

He looks so scary and I hate to admit it but I am scared of him. I am scared of Rafael. I am scared of the man whom I was thinking to be my saviour even a few hours ago.

Rafael wiped the blood from his hands and took off those brass knuckles. He said to his men "I want this place cleaned up and the body let it be here I am sure Simon will get it."

His men nodded.

I could feel his gaze on me this time but my eyes were fixed on the lifeless body in front of my eyes with tears continuously rolling down my cheeks.

"Take her to the mansion. I'll be there in an hour." He ordered and was about to leave but when he walked past me, I held his hand stopping him.

"Why don't you kill me too?"

He turned towards me with his brows furrowed, I looked at him taking my eyes off the dead body.

"Why am I alive Mr. Vincent?"

"Because I need your brother and I can hurt him only by hurting you then finally kill him."

I shook my head "I won't let that happen."

"You can't do anything to stop me."

He was right. How will I stop him? I don't even know his plans of getting Simon. But I can't just let Simon die.


I have to think something.

First Mom-Dad.

Then Aaron.

And now Uncle.

No. I'll not let him kill Simon.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind.

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