CHAPTER 24: And it's now too late to stop

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I am getting really close to Rafael these days and I like it but after how he behaved yesterday, I am not sure if he wants me close to himself. Maybe he doesn't like me the way I do. Maybe he's just trying to be a good friend to Simon.

I don't know who Olivia is, but from the letter last time I fond in Rafael's study, one thing was clear that she likes him and after yesterday I think he does too.

But yeah I shouldn't just make assumptions.

"Hazel." Rafael called me while I was lost in my thoughts... in his thoughts to be exact.

"Yeah." I answered.

Since last night, after he kissed me things between us has been really awkward... like really awkward.

"Would you like to go out?" He asked.


"Somewhere I can take you. I am sure you're gonna love it."

I nodded excitedly, he smiled. "Get ready."

Getting up from the bed, I made my way towards the closet. I chose a simple lavender top and shorts. Rafael was waiting for me downstairs, when I went to him he got up from the couch leading me towards the car.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked again.

This is the fourth time I asked him this question and this is the fourth time he replied "Be patient, babygirl."

I rolled my eyes. Crossing my arms over my chest I pouted "I hate surprises." All he did was to give me a light smile.

The car stopped at some place all I could hear from the car was the sound of... water?

I looked at Rafael in confusion "Where are we?"

All he did was again a smile.

And Oh Sweet Jesus! I love his smile.

Getting out of the car, he held my hand pulling me with him. After walking few distance the site came in my view was breathtakingly beautiful.

A waterfall.

"Oh Sweet Jesus! This is so amazing!" I exclaimed.

Rafael's hold on my hand tightened, as he took us near the edge I peeped down it looked beautiful.

"Can we go down?" I asked all excited looking down at the force the water was flowing.

"Yeah." Saying that he again pulled me with him, I held his arm tightly so I don't fall down.

"Rafael I won't fall, right?" I asked halfway as we were moving down. It was really scary I could even feel my heart beating rapidly.

"I won't let you fall, trust me."

With both my hands I grabbed his arm as we reached down, I stopped admiring the view. I started playing with the water with my legs, kicking it. It seemed fun though childish but fun.

While playing suddenly I lost my balance and was about to fall when Rafael held my arm preventing me from slipping and getting inside the water.

"Careful Hazel!"

Recovering from the shock I nodded my head.

"Wanna go in the water?" He asked.

"Really, we can go?"

He smiled then took off his shirt and rested it on one of the rocks. He interwined our hands again and made his way towards the water.

He has been holding my hand all the time, he is being really careful about me. It's like if he lets go of my hand I would fall. Well I wouldn't complain, I am clumsy.

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