Prologue: Unforeseen Shadows

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June 11, 1925

James "Bucky" and Rebecca "Becky" Barnes were at their mother's grave with their father, George Barnes. They couldn't afford a proper funeral, and their mother didn't really have any close friends or relatives other than them, so their father decided to just get her buried.

"Winnifred Barnes, beloved wife, and mother" her gravestone read.

"It's a pretty nice gravestone, considering our budget..." said Bucky.

"I was surprised we could even afford that." stated George.

Their two younger siblings, Bella and Brittany were being babysat by Sarah, who was Bucky's best friend Steve's mom, so the Barnes would have time to mourn. Bucky was scared out of his mind, like any child would be if they just lost their parent. He didn't show it however, as he was feeling pressured to be strong. Strong for his sisters.

"Brother, where is mom?" asked Becky, confused as she was only 4 years old at the time.

This snapped Bucky out of his thoughts quickly as she said this. Seeing as how he hesitated when she asked the question, George cut in.

"... She is in a better place now, Rebecca."

"What type of place?"

"The most beautiful place, a painless place where your mother can rest."

"Is she coming back?"

"We'll all meet again someday Rebecca... someday." sighed her very stressed father. "Once this is all over, we will be together as a family again, always."

6 years later

Bucky was sitting alone on his bed, he couldn't fall asleep and it was 4:30 in the morning. He was wondering where the hell his dad went, he should've been home 5 hours ago. His father was a soldier in the U.S Military and was at Camp Lehigh doing a training exercise.

"He said he would be home today unless I remembered wrong... he's probably just late again..." he whispered to himself. "I need to make up to him for what happened a month ago..."

A month ago

Bucky was getting picked up from his dad from the police station. He had convinced Steve to egg Mr. David's house with him, since he was their grouchy old neighbour that nobody liked. This terribly backfired, however, as the grouch called the cops on them.

After a long bit of silence, they arrived home where Bucky's dad almost literally shoved him into the house.

"James Buchanan Barnes, you were supposed to be looking after your sisters, not vandalizing people's houses!" said George, noticeably irritated.

"C'mon, Rebecca handled it just fine, dad." said Bucky almost rolling his eyes.

"SHE'S TEN! When are you ever going to mature?! I didn't teach you to be like this! Unlike you, I'm busy working my ass off trying to afford enough to buy you and your siblings enough food to live off of!!!"

"Yeah, well, I'm not you."

"You know what? I'm disappointed in you! I don't have the time to waste on your idiocy at the moment,   we'll discuss this when I get home from my training exercise..." said the angry father.

"Well, have fun asshole!"


Bucky heard a loud couple of knocks at the door, which made him jump up since it was quiet for the longest time. "Great, now I have to face my dad's wrath." he thought to himself. But when he opened the door he was startled to see in fact not his dad, but a bunch of huge soldiers.

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