Chapter 60

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I took a long deep breath before pushing the door in front of me open. I could tell my strength wasn't what it used to be as I struggled a little with the weight of the block of wood.

When I'd managed to force it open, I was met with a large, fairly empty and unfamiliar bedroom. However, I didn't have much time to dwell on my whereabouts because there on the bed in the centre was Liam, a small, incredibly beautiful baby wrapped in his arms.

All the air whooshed out of my lungs as my eyes locked on her. She was tiny, bundled up in a pink blanket and resting against Liams chest. Tears filled my eyes as I dared to take a step closer.

"El," Chris said with a smile, moving to wrap an arm around me. "I'm so glad you're okay."

I barely managed a quick glance up at him and a smile before my eyes flickered back to my daughter. I took another step, holding my breath as she made a small gurgling noise from the back of her throat.

"Can I?" I barely managed to utter when Liam glanced up from her to face me. He nodded in understanding before readjusting to hand her over to me.

She weighed absolutely nothing as he placed her in my arms, the soft fabric of the blanket draping over my skin. One of her tiny hands moved to reach towards me and I watched as one of my tears dripped onto it. I panicked for a moment before a melodic giggle sounded and the most beautiful smile graced her little face.

Her wide eyes stared up at me and I immediately felt the connection between us form. My eyes glowed yellow as the link between mother and cub formed. I watched as her beautiful blue eyes - that she'd most definitely inherited from her father - flashed a pale yellow and then another soft giggle escaped her smiling mouth.

"Hi," I whispered, manoeuvring her to rest in one of my arms and then reaching a hand over and stroking a finger over her chubby cheeks.

I felt Zachs arms come around me and he rested his chin on my shoulder, reaching around to take her teeny little hand in one of his large ones. "She's perfect," I sobbed, the tears still flowing.

Zach pressed his lips to my cheek. "She gets that from you," he whispered back, swiping the tears from my face with his free hand.

"We'll leave you guys to it," Chris said, clearing his throat to remind us they were still there. "We'll come back and get her later on."

I glanced up at them. "Why?" I asked, confused.

"We need to talk about some things," Zach answered.

I turned, detaching his hand from the baby's and moving to face him instead. "We can't talk in front of the baby?"

He frowned, glancing at his brothers before refocusing on me. "No, I don't want to yell in front of her."

I grit my teeth, unwilling to part with her for even a moment, however I knew Zach was right, I had a lot of explaining to do and I also had a hundred questions. "Fine," I huffed, "then let's talk now. I want to be with her tonight."

He rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. "Alright, do you guys mind?"

Liam shook his head instantly. "Definitely not," he answered, already trying to peel her out of my arms. I reluctantly let her go, my eyes following her until the door shut behind them and she was gone.

I turned back to my husband, nerves settling in my stomach as I shrugged. "Let's get this over with then," I muttered.

"You tried to kill yourself," he snapped instantly, his eyes already glowing amber.

"I wanted to be with you," I told him simply.

"And what about out daughter?" He yelled. "You were happy to just end her life before it started?"

I shook my head. "Her life would've been worse. She wouldn't have had a father or a family, she would've been the target of a war or a runaway with no pack and no home. Either way, death was better for both of us."

"We had 9 months to think of a third option!"

"We didn't have anything!" I yelled, raising to my feet so I was level with him. "You were gone! I did what I thought would be best for our baby!"

"Killing her wasn't what was best," he snarled.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "We would've been together," I said, trying my best to suck my tears back in.

All he did was shake his head, turning away from me with clenched fists. "What now?" I questioned with a sigh, knowing we'd quickly reached a dead end. We weren't going to see eye to eye. "What do you want to do now?"

He frowned, turning back to me with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean we have a daughter to protect, a war still raging, a pack to rule and a marriage that-," I cut off, the tears brimming my eyes as I met his gaze. "Well that we need to decide if we want to continue."

He looked taken aback for a moment and my heart hammered in my chest. "Do you not want to be married to me anymore?"

I closed my eyes. "Do you?"

I winced as I awaited his response and dared to peel an eye open when instead of an answer, I heard his footsteps. I was scared I would see him leaving but breathed a sigh of relief when he threw his arms around me, engulfing me. "Of course I do," he stated with definitiveness.

I smiled, sinking into his hold. "I missed you so much," I cried.

He pulled back and kissed me gently. "Believe me, I missed you too."

He nudged me backwards a little until the back of my legs hit the bed. "How much did you miss me?" I asked, reaching down and peeling my top off.

He smirked, pouncing on me in a millisecond, pressing his lips to mine and forcing me backwards until I was on the bed. My vision blurred a little when his lips moved to the tender skin on my neck.

I felt my eyes turn amber as more of our clothes were stripped away. Everything felt right in that moment and I was hit with the same sensations of love and connection and desire that I experienced on my wedding night.

"Please don't leave me again," I begged, tugging on his chin to turn his face back towards me. "Promise."

"I'm not going anywhere," he assured me breathlessly. "I promise."

I knew he could never guarantee that. I knew deep down that there was always a possibility that something could happen to either of us and from the look in his eye, so did he. But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that we were together.

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