Chapter 21

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I grumbled when I awoke for the final time, my eyes heavy, my limbs numb and my head thumping. Thick, warm arms secured me in place and despite feeling like I was moments away from death, I smiled.

I was completely cocooned in a soft, thick blanket that successfully kept out the biting cold. My body was curled up in the fetal position and Zach cradled my head against his chest, pinning me to him with yet another blanket draped over our bodies.

My ear was pressed to his solid chest and the steady beat of his heart hummed beneath me. "How do you feel?" He asked, startling me.

I raised my head to see him staring down at me, a worn look on his face. The dark rings around his eyes and creases around his frowning lips highlighted how tired he really was and I frowned.

"I'm just tired," I told him honestly, shuffling so I could rest my head back on his chest but still face him.

A small, half smile flickered onto his lips as I gazed up at him. "Does it hurt?" He asked me, reaching down one of his hands and brushing my cheek gently.

"No," I told him, shaking my head and then moving to look at my wrist. Where yesterday, there was a long slash with blood streaming from the gaping hole, today it was simply a streak of red scarring. "I healed."

"Good." He smiled and took my hand, gliding his thumb smoothly across the scar. "I was worried when you didn't turn."

I nodded. "Me too, I didn't know that could happen," I mumbled.

"Your dad said it happens when you're too weak to turn... he said it wasn't a problem but I wasn't really listening to him," he admitted, staring deep into my eyes as he did.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "What a surprise," I teased, laying my head back down and playing with the hem of his shirt. "I didn't mean to worry you," I told him absentmindedly. "But thank you."

He shuffled a little beneath me so his arms were curled tightly around me once again and we were face to face. "That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do..." he muttered, a broken sort of look flickering in his eyes. "Don't make me do that again."

Despite the fact it was clearly a command, I could hear the plea in his voice and felt guilt flush through me. "I promise," I whispered, reaching to take his hand. "I take it you didn't even risk closing your eyes last night?"

He shot me a look and I nodded, knowing there was no chance he would let me out of his sight. "Will you sleep with me now?" I asked, gazing up at him with wide eyes.

A frown crossed his lips but he nodded, moving me off of his chest so he could shuffle onto his side. I then slid down a little so I was nestled against him, my back to his chest.

He pulled one of the pillows and placed it under his chin for me and then pressed a soft kiss to my head before nuzzling his nose against me. I could hardly keep my eyes open and soon, I was drifting into a light slumber, the words "I love you," floating around as I did.

Again, I stirred awake, feeling warmth radiate from around me. "I think we should stay here all day," I mumbled, rolling onto my back.

Beside me, Zach lay with his chin on his arms, staring up at me with a lazy smile on his face. "That sounds perfect to me. I think we have earned it."

I nodded. "At least now, Ricks gone... for good," I said, smiling at the idea of him being out of our lives.

"You were right... it worked," Zach admitted, instinctively reaching up and brushing a finger over the scars on my neck. "I just wish there had been a better way."

"Me too," I mumbled, taking the hand that lay across my neck and squeezing it. "Thank you for letting me do that though... I wanted him gone," I whispered.

He nodded. "So did I."

"Something good came out of it though," I said, a smile crossing my face.

He furrowed his brows, looking up at me questioningly. "What?"

"I found my new favourite place," I explained, shuffling a little closer.

"Where's that?" He asked. "Your death bed?"

I chuckled and nestled my face in the crook of his neck. "No. Its next to you when you're a wolf. I've never been so warm and comfy... and safe," I told him, thinking back to the feeling of curling up amongst his soft fur and knowing he would fight off anything to protect me.

"You're always safe next to me... always," he promised, securing his arms around me and keeping me there, against his large, warm body.

"I know," I mumbled into his chest.

"I have to tell you something... but you shouldn't care, okay?" He suddenly grumbled from above me and I frowned, trying to pull away so I could read his expression but he kept me pinned against him.

"What?" I asked wearily.

"It's nothing big..." he mumbled and I frowned.

"What Zach?"

"Chris and Liam moved out," he muttered and I forced my way out of his arms. "But they are just next door and they are coming round later to check up on you," he added quickly.

"Why did they leave?" I asked, my voice softer than I expected. I had gotten used to having them here and the thought of the house being so quiet and empty made me frown.

"We're getting married in just over a week, remember?" He said, taking my chin in his hand. "They thought we could do with the space and they are right... they'll only be next door sweetheart."

I shrugged, knowing it was stupid to be upset about them moving out to live next door but I suddenly noticed the silence a lot more. I rolled over and closed my eyes, once again feeling tiredness wash over me.

"Hey," Zach called, pulling me back towards him. "Don't be upset... please? You know you will still see them all the time, the idiots won't leave us alone," he teased, pecking my cheek gently.

"It will just be weird," I said, taking his hand and squeezing it assuringly.

I heard him take a breath to speak but it was interrupted by a sharp ringing sound. He groaned and rolled away from me, allowing the biting cold to hit me. I shivered and curled up tighter, watching him grab his phone and frown.

"Speak of the devils," he muttered before placing the phone to his ear. "Yeah what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nice to hear from you too. I miss you as well," I heard Liam scoff on the other end of the phone and smiled.

"Is she ok?" Chris called, followed by an 'ow'.

"More importantly, did you tell her we left? Did she cry?" Liam asked, his voice louder and more prominent than Chris who was muttering something in the background.

"Shut up Liam," Zach grumbled, moving back over to lie beside me. "She's fine, but she is tired and doesn't want to hear from you right now."

"I do!" I argued, snatching the phone and pressing it to my ear. "Hey."

"Hey El, how are you doing?" Chris asked.

"Better, I'm completely healed... just a bit weak," I admitted.

"El, settle a bet for me. If you hadn't have met Zach first," Liam interrupted, "you would've fallen in love with me right?"

I giggled and opened my mouth to answer when Zach snatched the phone away. "Don't answer that," he growled, ending the call on his brothers and tossing his phone onto the carpet.

He grabbed me once again and held me protectively against him. "Never," I whispered and he frowned down at me in confusion. "It will always be you," I promised before closing my eyes once again.

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