Chapter 5 (Breaking the Bank)

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The Subway?

Y/N was sat on the train, with his family. You already knew what was going to happen, namely that the train was about to crash. You stood up and ran too the drivers cabin, trying... No begging for the train to stop. But he didn't respond, instead he turned to face you, eyes bleeding black as the train picked up speed.
Everyone began to scream you shot back into the cabin and pulled your sister towards you with both arms. Trying to shield her from what came next. You were unsuccessful and watched as everyone in the cabin die again one by one. When you failed to protect anyone (Including your sister) you found yourself lying on your back and staring at the roof of the train. With tears rolling down your face you saw the heads of the recently dead raise up and stare at you. Your sister saying "Why didn't you save me?"

Y/N's Appartment

Y/N shot awake in his bed screaming and panting. You could feel your heartrate and it was ridiculously fast. You were lucky that your only neighbour was the Nijima sisters as your apartment was against the outer wall of the building. You heard rustling in their apartment after the scream, Makoto, who you had given a key to your apartment a while back, unlocked the door to your apartment as she ran into your room to check on you, you tried to hide the fact that you were crying... to no avail. She was wearing her Buchimaru pyjamas that were slightly too small for her now when she burst into your room. She was obviously very concerned and ran to your side and sat down next to you asking what had happened. Through your tears you told her about the nightmare. Makoto was glad you hadn't hurt yourself at least but stayed in the apartment helping you out. Making sure that you were fine before she would leave. 

Makoto - *Trying to comfort you* "It was only a nightmare Y/N. Your alright now."

Y/N - "..."

Makoto - "Y/N..."

Y/N - "I'm fine Makoto..."

Makoto - "No your not. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Y/N - *Weakly smiling* "Your already doing enough."

Makoto - *Trying to change the subject* "Do you want to do something? It's 6am so we have time before school."

Y/N - "D-Do you want to watch some TV?"

Makoto - "Sure."

Y/N - "Thanks..."

You just sat down with Makoto on the living room sofa, you sat on the opposite end of the Sofa Makoto shuffled closer and closer to you until the two of you were sat side by side. While Makoto was pulled into the documentary on street crime that you had found, you could barley focus on the Show, instead you were looking at Makoto. She often tried to hide it, but she would always get so enthralled by these kind of shows, and it was uncharacteristic of her to act like this, so it was a side that you and only a select few saw. 
However as the sun began to rise you realised that you had to (Unfortunately) get ready for school, by this point you had started to watch the documentary so when you turned to Makoto only to find out that she had fell asleep leaning against your shoulder you were rather surprised. You gently shook Makoto awake telling her that you were going to have to get ready to go too school. Makoto quickly stood up and after checking one last time that you were feeling better she quickly ran out of the room to get ready for school. You returned to your room and quickly threw on your School uniform. After doing so you felt a odd sensation in your left arm... That must be what is called "Phantom Pain". As strange as it was you actually revelled in this feeling, it was like a mirror into what was... in a strange way. 
You headed back to the kitchen and reached into a cupboard, pulling out your pills that had been prescribed to you, Antidepressants mainly. While you went to take the pills you decided against it instead you threw the pill bottle across the room. While you probably should have taken to them, frankly you didn't want too.

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