❥𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑇𝑤𝑜•

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After that little playful moment with Michael, it was back to work, or at least whatever could have been considered work at that point in time. All you'd had to do was help Michael get his schedule papers in order, so that his short-term timetable didn't become too confusing. There were many things he could be required to do in a day, and even more places he could be expected to be - and remembering all those plans wasn't an easy task. In fact, memorizing his schedule would have been impossible, even for him. So, he was consistently provided with rough outlines of certain places he'd needed to be, and certain things he'd needed to do.

Usually, you always had it organized and stacked neatly, ready for him to refer to it with ease. However, the recent week had been a busy one, and you hadn't been able to find time for organizing his schedules - not until the present moment at least. So, the pair of you were seated in the study, both situated on opposite sides of the work desk. As you neatly compiled each set of schedules in order, you handed it to him so that he could jot down his own notes - to help him be a bit more prepared.

For the past thirty minutes, the two of you had been busy going through every little detail, making sure that you missed nothing.

As you sorted through the papers, Michael's eyes drifted away from the items in front of him, gliding toward your hand.

"I see you're still engaged," he commented, making you look up at him without moving your head.

In that moment, you could have been mistaken for a disappointed teacher.

"I see you're still nosy about matters that are none of your business," you retorted, dragging your gaze back to the papers again.

"I still don't understand how you're still engaged. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen apart yet," he snorted. "I mean, I'm sure even you know that no one is going to be that willing to be stuck with you for the rest of their days,"

"And I'm sure you know that I'll gladly rearrange your face if I hit you with my left hand," you looked at him again, holding your hand up to display your fairly impressive engagement ring. "The ring will do all the damage for me,"

"Oh please," he rolled his eyes. "I'd get you a ring way more spectacular than that," he muttered.

"Why are you so inquisitive about my personal life?" you asked with an exasperated sigh. "Do you want to be one of my bridesmaids?" you cocked your head to the side.

"Hahaha, how hilarious," he made a face before redirecting his focus to the papers in front of him.

Suddenly, a light knock at the door caught the attention of both you and Michael, but it soon became clear that the notion had been to alert Michael.

Standing at the doorway was another of Michael's assistants, though she was more of an assistant to his manager, Frank, than she was to Michael. You'd met her a few times, and you knew her name to be Janice - and she'd had a massive crush on Michael, naturally.

You smirked a little as you focused on the papers, trying your best not to giggle as Janice stared at Michael with starry eyes.

"Yes, Janice, how can I help you?" Michael turned around to smile at her, motioning for her to enter.

"Uh...." her face went red as she tried her best to speak clearly, but you just kept your head down - the petty side of you wanting to see how awkward Michael would get. "Well...Frank just wanted me to remind you of the departure time for the trip tomorrow...we leave at three in the afternoon," she completed.

"Oh yes, yes, I remember, don't worry," he nodded.

"Where are you going?" you inquired out of curiousity, peeking up at him.

"You mean where are we going," he raised his eyebrows and let out a breath. "I have a business meeting to tend to tomorrow, and you're coming with me - obviously,"

"And when did you plan on advising me about this?" you placed your palm against the table a little aggressively, making Janice take a step back.

"I think I should...take my leave," she mumbled nervously.

Michael gave Janice one final look, reassuring her that she could leave, further requesting for her to shut the door behind her.

"Why do you need to be so...dramatic?" he shifted his attention back to you.

"Oh don't give me that, I'm not being dramatic, I'm being practical," you narrowed your eyes. "Janice said we leave tomorrow afternoon. When did you plan to tell me? Tomorrow afternoon?" you scoffed.

"Well at least you know now," his expression became more stern when you raised your voice. "(Y/N), I hope you don't forget who the employer is here, and I hope you do even better not to forget who the employee is,"

"I've never forgotten, don't worry," you pursed your lips, rising to your feet. "Because the employee always ends up tolerating the employer's shenanigans, even when it's interfering with her life!"

"Oh what is that supposed to mean?!" he raised his voice as well.

"You're always finding ways to mess with me, and frustrate me! I don't mind you being playful, but you always know how to take it too far!" you shot back. "I mean, why on earth would you need to be so nosy about my personal life?! Do I go about insulting you for the way your romantic life plays out? No - so why do you need-"

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I do all of that because I don't know how to tell you that I care about you - more than I should?!" he cut you off.

You stopped, and he did too. In the matter of a few seconds, the room went silent, so much so that you could have heard a pin drop. The both of you were shocked by what he had just said, but you were evidently the more startled one.

Feeling nothing but frustration bubble within you at that point, you stormed out of the room, roughly pushing past him as you did so. To add insult to injury, you realized that almost all of the team members present in the house had heard the argument - and they were all gathered outside of the study door when you'd burst out.

For a moment, you stared at everyone, who looked back at you with wide eyes, half wanting to know what happened next, and half feeling guilty for listening in to what was intended to be a private conversation.

Straightening up, your features hardened once more, and you made your way out, all of them dispersing to make way for your path. All you did was excuse yourself as you left, unimaginably overwhelmed by how quickly the situation had escalated.

But even though you hadn't had your thoughts together just yet, a portion of your mind couldn't help but wonder - did he really mean what he'd said?

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