❥𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒•

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You marched along the halls with purpose, your line of a vision focusing only straight ahead.

Janice had informed you that Michael was out in the courtyard with Frank, and if that's where he was - that's where you intended to go.

It didn't take you long to spot Michael out in the courtyard, conversing casually with Frank - the two of them standing nonchalantly outside without a care in the world.

They were in for quite the interruption when you burst through the doors that led you outside, promptly storming up to Michael with the ring in hand. At first, he looked startled to see you, but when he caught a glimpse of the ring, he looked back at you with that antagonizing smirk.

"I see you opened the parcel," he stated calmly.

You couldn't believe the audacity of the man, and it was doing nothing for your temper.

"Do you think this is some sort of joke? Is everything a joke to you?!" your voice came out loud and clear.

"Well if it was a joke, it would be a pretty amusing one," he shrugged.

"It seems like no matter what I do, I can never get through to you! You know the things that upset me, and you always make it a point to aggravate me about it!" you shook your head, feeling like you were going to explode. "You know I'm the sort of person that would be affected by the fact that I forgot to wear my engagement ring this morning, so why would you do something like this?" you held the ring further up to his face. "I don't care whether you think of it as a big deal or not, but to me - it's disrespectful to me, and it's disrespectful to my fiancé!"

"Oh please!" he waved you off, raising his voice as well. "We both know the only reason you're upset is because you know that you don't really love Caleb! Don't even try to deny it!" he scoffed.

"Excuse me?!" you raised your voice further.

"Hey, guys, maybe we should just...calm down," Frank tried to intervene, but failed.

"(Y/N), come on, you can't stand there and tell me that you don't care for me the way I care for you!" he retorted. "I can see right through you, and I sure as hell know you better than your fiancé does!"

"You're insane! I can't believe you're so deluded that you think I don't love the man I'm going to marry! I've been with him longer than I know you - we have a whole life together! You can't tell me how I feel!" you shot back.

"Tell me something," he took a step closer to you. "Did you tell him about what I admitted yesterday?" he asked.

"What?! You-"

"Did you tell him about what I admitted yesterday?!" he repeated.

"No, because it wasn't worth mentioning," you sneered.

"Let me guess, you went home dazed, and when he asked his beloved (Y/N) what was wrong, she blamed her strange behaviour on the trip," his stare was intense, and possessed utter certainty. "I'm right, aren't I?" he smirked cynically. "And your darling Caleb believed that pathetic excuse, which is why you're here today! He believed you because he didn't know you well enough to see that you are a horrible liar! You can't tell a lie to save your life!"

"He believed me because he loves me and he trusts me!"

"Yes, he may love and trust you, as you deserve to be - but he's not the one for you, and you know it!" he countered swiftly. "I know you, (Y/N), I know every detail about you - that's why I know how exactly to get on your nerves, and it works every time. I don't do it because I like seeing you upset, I do it because...it's the only thing that reminds me that I truly...love you. Knowing you through and through reminds me that what I feel is no delusion, and because I am sure of every aspect of you, I know that you don't truly love Caleb, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you do," he let out a breath, watching as you stared back at him with a dumbfounded expression. "And I know you even better to be sure that the reason you forgot your ring this morning is because there's a part of you that sees the truth, but you're trying to silence that part. (Y/N), I love you,"

"I can't believe you have the nerve!" you spat. "How can you tell me that I don't love the man I met long before I knew you?! I've been with him-"

"Because you fell in love with the way he loved you, but you didn't....you don't love him,"

"That's the most ridiculous reasoning I've ever come across in my life!" you couldn't help but laugh, despite being angry.

"Alright, then let's sort this out now," he took another step closer to you. "Look at me, and tell me that you don't care for me. Tell me that you wouldn't care if I disappeared, tell me that you don't love me,"

He kept moving until he was right in front of you, making you feel nervous all of a sudden.

"Go on, tell me," he slowly reached out to take the hand of yours that had been holding the ring, his eyes still focused on you. "Do it,"

But in spite of trying your hardest, you couldn't say it. Every time you began, you felt as though you couldn't breathe.

"See?" he whispered, his lips dangerously close to touching yours. "You can't do it,"

The way he made you feel was baffling, even though a much more extreme word would have been far more appropriate. In the blink of an eye, he could sway you from fury to intoxicated - the alcohol in this case being substitued for him.

Regardless, you still remembered that you were engaged to Caleb, and that you couldn't merely throw it all away just for a moment that you couldn't even be certain about.

Maybe you did feel high in the moment, with Michael so close to you - but it wasn't enough to make you abandon all sense of reason.

So, you took a step back before he could make you lose yourself any deeper, swallowing hard as you did so.

"Perhaps you're right - I can't do it," you cleared your throat, suddenly growing conscious at the fact that Frank was still standing there - as if he was watching a whole drama show.

In a way, he was.

"But I can do this," you sighed tossing the ring toward him, correctly predicting that he would catch it.

"(Y/N)..." he trailed off in confusion.

But you didn't leave him confused for very long, letting out another breath as you began to back away.

"I quit,"

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