❥𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡•

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Tears flooded your eyes as the reality of everything dawned upon you. You put the phone down, not even bothering to say anything more to Janice. All too quickly, panic and fear began to overwhelm you, but you knew what you had to do. If you had been denying the hidden truth before, you couldn't do it again now.

Caleb stared at you, his expression also morphing into one of concern as you frantically searched for your car keys.

"What's...wrong?" he questioned as you began to sob subconsciously, still trying to regain your bearings as the tears blurred your vision.

"I...I-I need to get to the ranch, to the airport, somewhere," you rambled. "I need to get to the airport," you finally grabbed hold of your keys. "Oh God!" you began to break down as you started seeing how grave of a mistake you might have made.

Though there had previously been a sheet of tension encasing the room that you and Caleb stood in the middle of, he was quick to rush up and comfort you as you continued to panic.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked as he put his hands on your shoulders, searching your eyes for an answer.

"It's Michael. The flight he was...supposed to be on....it crashed....and....you said that he left for the meeting but I can't be sure-" you mumbled in one breath, growing even more distressed with every word you added to your sentence. "I need to do something - I....I might have lost him forever, I....I can't lose him I-"

His features relaxed into a knowing look as you stared back at him with tear-filled eyes - each tear now holding the honesty you should have shown Michael in the beginning.

It was interesting to see how one particular event could put everything into clear perspective.

"Yes," you nodded tearfully as he gave you a sad, but encouraging smile. "Yes...Frank is right, you are right....and Michael is right," you shook your head vigorously. "I don't know what to do but...I just...need to go,"

"Do you want me to drive you there?"

And at that moment, regardless of how awkward and unsolved the whole issue seemed, it was evident that he had accepted the same truth that you had come to accept. The momentary show of solidarity, for lack of a better word, was pivotal - because it now solidified what was merely speculation before.

It meant that if you'd had the chance, you would want to go out to find Michael, just to tell him that you were not thinking straight when you believed you could walk away from him without at least acknowledging the way your heart fluttered whenever he got closer.

"No," you took in a struggled, deep breath. "I need to do this on my own,"

⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

It didn't matter that it had taken you a little over an hour to drive down to the airport at full speed, because you just needed to get there - no matter how long it took you. You couldn't help but think about the fact that there were higher chances you had lost him forever than there were chances you would be able to rectify whatever silly mistakes you might have made along the way.

In a bid to try and ease the terrifying thoughts that echoed in your mind, you had tried turning on the radio - but news of the crash only rang through the speakers, making you want to cry all the more. However, for every minute that the news played out without mentioning Michael's name - your hopes rose a little higher.

With no game plan in mind yet, you had finally brought your car to a stop outside the departure building of the airport, and when you saw that it was empty inside, your heart sank into your stomach. If Michael wasn't there, it could only have meant one thing.


You couldn't have gotten out of the car fast enough, slamming the door shut as your feet had already begun taking you toward the entrance of the departure building. The security guard that was supposed to be guarding the entrance had obviously been caught lacking for a moment, which is why you had been able to dash in without being stopped for general verification.

"Michael," you whispered hopelessly to yourself as you ran along the empty area, only a few guards becoming alert when they spotted you. "Where are you?" you mumbled, looking around, but also slowly coming to terms with what would have been the harsh truth.

"Excuse me, ma'am, you can't be here," a security guard jogged up to you, his expression stern. "I'm going-"

"I need you to help me find someone. Please," you stared at him desperately.

"Ma'am," he sighed, clearly knowing that he was required to ask you to leave. But, there was something about the way you asked that he couldn't deny feeling inclined to help. "The building is supposed to be closed for a certain period this evening, perhaps I can help you outside," he gestured to the very entrance you had run through.

"Wait...." your mind began to spin, as you had recognized the instance of the departure building being closed for a period of time.

Usually, whenever you travelled with Michael, that occurred when he was still in the building.

"Wait, did you just say the building is closed for a period this evening?" your heart began to race again. "Why?"

"Ma'am, I cannot give you that information," he almost looked surprised.

"Well you need to give me that information," you shook your head. "It's....just, please, is Michael still here?" you let out a breath.

He kept silent for a few seconds, just staring you down before he sighrd and shook his head in response. "Unless you can provide a very good reason as to why you are entitled to that sort of information, I cannot provide you with anything. So I'd suggest you leave - because this is not going to be fruitful for you,"

"How's needing to tell him that I love him for a reason?" you frowned, running your fingers through your hair. "I need to find him, and I need to tell him that walking away was all a huge mistake, okay? I can't lose him, because even though I didn't realize it before, I love him," you glared at the guard as his expression changed into one of withdrawal. "Yes, I love Michael, so please, tell me where he is,"

"Did I hear that right?" a new, but familiar voice spoke up from behind you, making you spin around with slightly teary eyes.

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