❥𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛•

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You got through the rest of the day looking through the newspapers to find any potential openings that you could send in an application for, but of course you were distracted the whole time. Each time you heard the clock strike the next hour, you wondered where Michael would be during the journey of his business trip. Even though you tried your best to forget what had happened back at the ranch, there was no way you could, and it troubled you deeply. The more you recalled what had happened, the more you heard Michael's voice in your mind, and you couldn't get it to stop.

Being alone was most likely making everything a whole lot worse, but you weren't so sure if having company would allow anything to feel better. It felt as though you both wanted, and didn't want company.

Everything was contradicting itself, and the more you tried to ignore it, the more of a dilemma it became for you.

In a swift motion that dexterously cut through your thoughts, bringing you back to your senses, the front door opened - and instantly you deduced that Caleb was home. Sure enough, you'd heard his voice from downstairs, and you hadn't even noticed that evening had come into effect already.

He called your name as soon as you got up from where you had been cuddled on the bed, and you hadn't even managed to leave the room when he walked in - having raced up the staircase, appearing as though he really wanted to talk.

"Caleb...what's wrong?" you stared at him with concern, becoming aware that he now had his hands on his hips, and a fairly sullen look on his face. "Caleb-"

"(Y/N), you know that I love you, right? I loved you from the day we met," he began.

"Y-Yeah..." you were taken aback by his sudden statement.

"And when I asked you to be mine forever...it was because I wanted to make you happy, and be as good of a man as I could be for you," he maintained eye contact with you. "But...I think you underestimate my love,"

Feeling just a little alarmed, your expression contorted into a subtle frown - your arms folding. "Caleb, what are you trying to tell me?"

He sighed, diverting his gaze to the floor for just a second before he looked at you once more. "(Y/N), please be honest with me....do you truly love me?"

"What? Where is all of this coming from?" you released an exasperated scoff.

"(Y/N), if I...." he closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath, only adding to the suspense. Following a silent instant, he opened his eyes once more. "If I gave you a chance, right now, to go out there and find Michael, if I gave you the opportunity to be released from everything we have, right in this moment, so that you can be with Michael - would you go?"

Your jaw fell open, and you could have sworn the room spun about for a split second.

Caleb was agile, picking up on your bewilderment in a trice.

"Frank..." he shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "Came to see me today, at work,"

"What?!" you widened your eyes. "He had-"

"But what he told me...somehow...made sense - even though I didn't want to see it at first," he shook his head. "Frank told me everything,"

"Well whatever you need to know shouldn't...come from anyone else. It should come from me," you lowered your head sadly, knowing that it would have been pointless to have denied it any further.

"He told me that he'd come to see me as a last resort, because...Michael was losing his mind...and he was hoping I could help do something - even though I don't even know what I should do. (Y/N), you're my fianceé, and I love you more than life itself...it's...ridiculous to expect me to help push you into the arms of another man," he paused, biting his lip hard before he spoke his next sentence. "But...love...is about...setting you free. After...talking with-"

"Caleb, no, don't do that, please don't," you cut him off as tears formed in your eyes. "I don't want to end our engagement, I love you," you walked up to him.

"Yes...but you love Michael more than you could love anyone else...." he trailed off somberly. "And after everything that Frank told me...I can see it clearly. I love you, and if I could have you stay with me forever, I would. But...I've slowly come to realize that trapping you with me is...only going to make you resent me, at some point - and I couldn't live if you hated me,"

"No, you're overthinking this, Caleb. There's a reason I chose to come back here to you," you countered.

"You came back because you believed it to be the right thing. You came back because we have a whole life together, and because you're dedicated to what you've committed to, I know - your sense of commitment is one of the main qualities of you that I first fell for," he shrugged halfheartedly. "But...it is also a quality that may be the cause of your downfall. (Y/N), I'm doing all of this because I'm giving you this one moment. I don't want to lose you, but you have a choice now. Frank mentioned that Michael had left for the meeting, so....(Y/N), if you truly wish to be with Michael, then you can walk out of here, and I won't object. I'll let you go, and I'll...find a way to let go of everything we have together. If you truly love him, then make it easier for the both of us, and make an honest decision now. Don't lie to me, and don't pretend, please, just-"

Suddenly, he was cut off by the sound of the bedroom telephone blaring loudly, occurring at such an inopportune moment.

Since you were nearest to it, you rushed over to pick up the receiver, a little agitated at the unpleasant timing.

"Hello?" you answered a little too firmly.

"(Y/N)! It's Janice!"

You couldn't help but notice that she sounded extremely panicked.

"Janice, yes, what's wrong?" you questioned, nearly feeling your frustration develop further.

However, your building sense of displeasure was immediately replaced with a sickening feeling when you heard her next few words.

"(Y/N), I don't know where Michael is, but the flight he was supposed to be on was reported to have crashed! It's very likely that he was on board. It's very likely that he..."

She didn't need to complete her sentence, and you didn't want her to.

No, no, God, please, no.

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