Chapter 1. Lotus Petal

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~~what would've happened if just before the carriage that carried the radish basket with Po in it was about to leave, Li Shan found his son and raised him alone? how would Po end up? and what happens when a gorgeous tiger is assigned to now protect this seemingly forbidden village?~~

warning: I don't own kfp! just the AU!

It had been 20 years since lord Shen's attack, and the grieving leader of the pandas, Li Shan, had officially forbid going outside the village.

He had been a bit over-protective of his only family left, his son, Lotus. Of course Lotus had the freedom to do what ever he wanted, like choose who he wanted to marry, (which to everyone's surprise, was non of the girls in the village, despite all the ones who want him) what his activities were and what he would want to do when he was older. But the only thing that Li Shan seemed to be VERY assertive of is when it came to travelling outside the village.

You see, after Lord Shen's homicide, the handful of pandas travelled far and wide to escape and find a new place to start anew. And after climbing a huge mountain - which was very unpleasant for all pandas - they have finally found a safe habitat to live in peace. And Li wasn't planning on letting that peace go again anytime soon. No one goes in, or goes out.

All the pandas were okay with this of course, considering they had everything they needed. A pretty big village, custom made houses, a beautiful field to grow crops, a wonderful lake and waterfall to either drink from or take a swim, a safe environment, what more could the pandas want?

Well... That's where our story begins. Li Shan's son, Lotus, was quite the adventurer! He loved the simple life with the pandas for sure, but there was always more that he yearned that was so close, and yet so far. He researched about the worlds of China and it's respected arts, and even beyond! The panda even learned how to speak Arabic from learning about the Middle East! Yeah, he had a lot of free time.

Some of the pandas loved Lotus but figured him as kind of... Odd. He was always either stuck in a book or scroll about the world beyond, or daydreaming about going on great adventures.

Li Shan was worried about this, because he feared Lotus would leave him and explore the world on his own, so he kept a good eye on him. He liked how his son was educating himself, should his son take the responsibility as leader of the pandas, he would need to learn as much as possible to better their village. But Li can't help but be a little... Anxious. It's not that he doesn't trust his son it's just his paranoia and trauma telling him that Lotus' daydreaming could be.. Dangerous.

Speaking of which, where is that boy? Li Shan was sitting at the dining table for about 20 minutes and his son hasn't even come down? The old panda got up with a bit of struggle with age and walked to Lotus' room, that had the biggest window where Lotus was sitting on. The big window was opened to let the spring air in, ruffling his opened green robe, that was encrusted with the Yin & Yang symbol on his back as he watched over the village. He liked to do this a lot. Since Their house was on the highest peek with a dock and a bridge to go through to reach the village, they had the best view to look over the pandas. There were times where Lotus would just sit here for hours to just stare at the view below. He found it relaxing, just sitting in one spot, looking at the beautiful view, drowning out all of reality to just be in your own little world. Because sometimes... Being in your fantasies can be better than living in reality.

Li Shan put his stubby hand on his boy's shoulder, "Lotus?" He piped up, popping Lotus' world as he looked at his dad with his usual warm smile. "Hey dad! Sorry for keeping you waiting at dinner, I'll patch something together in a moment." Lotus looked back at the view. It was sunset, the most beautiful time of the day in Lotus' opinion. It actually reminded him of his mom in some ways. As warm as the sun, brightening up his cloudy days, having to go away into darkness. The only difference between the sunset and his mom... Is the sun would always come back. Thoughts like this made a tear fall from his jaded eyes that he inherited from his mother. He sniffed.

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