Chapter 5. Dinner With Dumplings and Dancing

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As the 2 pandas plus the tiger walk into village, they've owned weird glances from all the villagers in town square, setting up their dinner.

Li sighed and walked up to the dance floor to grab everyone's attention, "Pandas. This is Master Tigress." He gestured to the feline, who felt like she was being put on the spot, "She is not here to attack us, she is here to protect us and teach us a sacred art. We will accept her as our own and treat her the same way you treat yourselves. That is all, enjoy your dinner."

As the father finished his speech, he looked to his son, Lotus, who mouthed him a 'thank you' with a relieved smile. Li just nodded back and went up to the 2 to lead them to their seats. When the young panda and the tigress found their seats, they were approached by a bunch of baby cubs. They have never seen a tiger before, so the new discovery was thrilling.

Lotus, who recognised the kids, easily eased up to them when they came his way. He would usually play with the other kids other than talk to people his age, he finds kids much more open minded since their new lives and curiousity opens them up to so many experiences, nothing like adults who had it hard in his time in the village. The kids had so much ahead of them, so he could teach them anything they need or want to know and they would be open about it! (Unless they're asking abut where babies come from, then he gets nervous and tries to avoid that question.)

The kids love him too, especially the orphans who sympathise with Lotus about losing parental figures. They're always excited when he tells them stories of the worlds beyond the village, or the myths that have been told for centuries. Some kids think of him as an uncle, others think of him as a father. Such as a certain panda cub with violet eyes and cute little pigtails named Lei Lei who was staring at the foreign creature right next to Lotus with an awestruck expression along with the rest of the panda children.

They were all under the table at the feet of the 2 adults and continued to stare intently at the feline. She grew a bit uncomfortable from the looks of intrigue, but Lotus was much more welcoming to them. "Hey kids!" He bent forwards to duck under the table. "What's up?"

Suddenly, one of the kids with a tiny red hat and a jacket, going by the name of Bao, pointed towards Master Tigress, "WHOA! SHE'S EVEN COOLER UP CLOSE!"

As if it was a war call, all the panda cubs began to climb on the 2's laps. Tigress grew stiff in both nervousness and surprise at the sudden acceptance from the children invaded on her lap. one kid stayed low and played with her super long tail. "WOW! IT LOOKS LIKE A LARGE COLORFUL NOODLE!" The panda exclaimed from behind, trying to grab the tiger's tail before she swiped it away from the cub's reach on instinct.

Lotus just chuckled at the tiger beside him being harassed by the flood of babies while Lei Lei shyly cuddled into his midsection on his lap. When Tigress glared at him for laughing at the clearly humiliating scene, it only encouraged him to laugh more, but he did have the heart to try and cover it with his paw over his maw. (Empathise on the word 'try'.)

"SHE'S ORANGE! MY FAVORITE COLOR!" Another kid exclaimed happily as she stroked her fur. 3 triplets clung themselves to her head and both her shoulders, "And her fur is so soft!" They all sighed against her fur.

"Um... what??" Was all Tigress could say in that moment as the baby pandas continued to mess with her. Lotus just watched the scene unfold infront of him with an amused expression on his face. "At least you get along with the kids well," He joked, making Tigress grumble.

"A little assistance would be appreciated, panda." She growled, but Lotus just shook his head with a smug smile. "Lemme introduce you!" He pointed to the boy with the tiny red hat that was sitting on the tiger's lap, "That's Bao," He pointed to the triplets, "that's KuKu, Mei-Mei, and Shwei-Shwei," He looked behind Tigress, "The one who likes your tail is JoJo," He took Lei Lei from his lap and presented her to the feline, "And this little lily pad, is Lei Lei!"

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