Chapter 4. The Mourn Of The 2 Lost Heroes

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The Petal led The tiger master out of the house and on the docks. It flourishes around her for a moment before continuing it's undefined journey. Tigress ran after it. It felt pretty ridiculous to follow a simple petal, but being close to Oogway taught her to cherish even the simplest of things in life. And if that meant keeping a particular petal close by, she would take on the challenge.

She followed it through a hill on the mountain side and through acres of lively tall grass. 'Where are you taking me?' She asked in her head to no one but the petal in front of her. As if it read her thoughts, it took her past the fields to it's destination.

When she saw the place intended for her to go, her ember eyes widened at the breath taking sight.

A strong fully blossomed purple lotus tree with petals falling gracefully to the ground. The small lotus petal went to join it's family as it dozed in the wind along with the rest. The fact it was sunset made everything even more beautiful. What really sealed the pack was the very panda she was looking for, was on the ground sitting criss cross, looking solemnly at the jade scroll that had the history of the pandas.

She had to admit, his emerald green eyes that stood in the rising darkness, his green cloak and monochromatic fur reflecting against the light of the setting sun, made Tigress' insides ache for some unknown reason. She shook the thought away and walked up to the depressed son of the panda chief.

It was when she was standing right beside him was when she also noticed a tombstone, along with a picture of a panda woman. She dismissed it and looked at Lotus, and noticed he was holding a small picture of his own.

She felt a little awkward like this, she never tried to comfort someone while their sad. But then again, their stories were pretty similar... In a way. She could clearly see herself in Lotus, so it was like trying to cheer up herself... Even though that was pretty difficult too. She cleared her throat and, oh so hesitatingly, piped up, "I... Never got to thank you, for your bravery and selflessness back in the village.." She started off slowly, startling the panda awake.

He looked up at her with a blank stare. Though he was still obviously upset, he learned to not let his emotions effect others. He was guiltily good at lying too... Just with what he was feeling, though.

He tilted his head curiously, unaware of the effect it had on the feline, 'dammit! Why is this so hard??' She yelled at herself as the tiniest hint of red appeared on her cheeks. She continued, "No one would even dare to risk their life to save a stranger from a life-threatening situation. Let alone welcome the very stranger to their village where they obviously don't belong. And no one would dare go against direct orders to protect said stranger. Yet you did, and I... I admire that kind of courage."

Lotus blushed at the comment, Master Tigress, his hero that he's been wanting to see since like, almost forever, admired him?? He darted his eyes away from her and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I-it's not that big of a deal." He glanced at the portrait of his mom. He sighed sadly, "And I kinda know what you mean when you feel you don't belong.."

Tigress followed his gaze at the portrait again. She noticed the little shrine that came with it. She sat down criss crossed right beside Lotus and stared at the portrait. "Your mother, I presume?"

Lotus nodded. "My dad said that she planted this very tree before I was even born. Lotus was her favorite flower." He got on his knees and bowed low, before rising up again and sitting back down, giving the picture of his mother a small sad smile, "Hey mom. Guess what? You remember Master Tigress that I told you about? Well believe or not, look!" He gestured to the confused and puzzled tigress, "She's right here! Isn't that awesome?"

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