Chapter 14. Incidents and Accidents

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"One bowl of Secret Ingredient Soup and a side of dumplings!"
"Mr. Ping, can I have a refill for my tea?"
"Refill, coming up!"

The goose maneuvered swiftly through the busy crowd of his open-aired shop, pouring tea from his pitcher for the pleading rabbit. 

"Remember; each refill is an extra yuan."

"An extra yuan?" The rabbit exasperated, "A bit pricy for a cup of tea, don't you think, Mr. Ping?"

"Come on, man, just give him the extra yuan." A pig answered from another table. "You can't argue with someone with noodles for brains."

A crowd in the small corner of the shop erupted in chuckles at the comment, meanwhile Mr. Ping shrugged with his ever-so convincing smile. "It's quite true. Broth runs through my veins!"

The rabbit customer smiled back and playfully rolled his eyes before tossing him the golden coin. The goose clamped it in his beak to confirm it's authenticity before being interrupted with an exclaim. 

"Xiao Lou! Oh, look at you, you stained your entire face!" A duck mother piped up as she quickly tried to wipe her chick's beak. Mr. Ping smoothly flew in to inspect the situation as he pulled out a handkerchief. "Now, Mrs. Hang, be easy on the boy. Every child should be allowed to make a mess once in a while," He smiled sweetly to the young duck and wiped his beak clean. The mute boy honked in happiness as the noodle chef looked on endearingly. Though a twinge of sadness did pull at his heart while he wiped the beak clean. "Or else they never learn how good it is to be clean... and there we are!" He pulled back. "Good as new!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ping." Mrs. Hang nodded in gratitude and pulled her son close to her to feed him once again. "You really do have a way with children. Do you have any of your own?"

The goose seemed to be taken aback by this question. "Uh- w-what? Me with children? O-oh no, I couldn't—I-I wouldn't—" Mr. Ping was once again interrupted, not by any sounds but with a sniff of his beak catching him off guard. He did a double take to his kitchen and quacked in shock. "Oh, goodness! My noodles!" He quickly dashed inside and took the enormous pot off the boiler. 

He quickly set it down and taste-tested the food. "Hmm... thankfully not burned but definitely dried in texture. I can fix that!" 

As if it were magic, he diced up some vegetables, dashed in some spices and stirred it all up with such grace and fluidity, it almost looked like he was serenading the noodles. He then gave it another taste test, hummed in delight and poured the soup into several different bowls. The bunnies, geese, ducks and pigs that have been watching him from the front desk clapped for him, all impressed with his skill. 

"Geez, Mr. Ping, how do you manage to do all of this by yourself?" Another white rabbit commented whilst playing mahjong with a brown rabbit. 

Mr. Ping briefly took off his hat to wipe the sweat from his brow before looking on proudly, "Well, it definitely isn't easy! But I'm Noodle Folk! It just comes naturally for me!"

"But don't you think you need more help around here? You're not getting any younger, y'know!" The brown rabbit smirked while the goose chef deadpanned at him. 

"And it seems you're not getting any smarter, Pianzi. Xunsu already has three out of four sets of pong." Mr. Ping cheekily replied back, causing Pianzi to look down in disappointment while Xunsu sticks his chin up with pride. 

Suddenly, a gong went off in the shop as the jade palace servants filed in to hang up a poster. Awe-struck, the customers circled around the poster, leaving Mr. Ping to roll his eyes in annoyance. 

"What is it? I wanna see!"
"Quit shoving!"
"Whoa! Today!?"
"What's today? What's going on!?" 

Murmers and chatters filled the area as the kids in the front squealed in excitement. 

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