Chapter 11. The Message Home

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In the Valley of Peace, with the buzzling villagers all running about to get through their day, high in the mountains, you can perhaps hear a distinct sound of a delicate bansuri flute playing in the background. But where, pray tell, is this sound coming from, you may be asking.

Well, to answer that, we must head into those mountains, into the training yard of the pristine Jade Palace, where we can see the great Master Shifu himself, sitting criss-crossed and making the peaceful flute sounds. Seems to be normal, right? Nothing out of the ordinary...?

Well, the whisking warriors hiding within the bushes and trees in the area would say differently.

The music originating from Shifu's flute becomes more tense, as if he himself is anticipating something. And then, with him about to hit the final note...


The grand master's ear twitches and his eyes pop open as he jumps and prepares himself for the incoming attack, it all seemed to slow down in his point of view but in reality it went too fast. With him dodging bullets from wings, prehensile hands and feet, tiny claws and a snake tale in all directions. He shows no signs of phase or loss of composure as he manages to end this 'attack' quite quickly by pushing the invaders all away from him.

They all pant as he calmly darts his eyes before flipping the flute behind his back. "Well done, my students..." He starts as they all break their defensive pose and bow in respect.

"IF you were trying to disappoint me!" He sharply added, instantly crushing all their pride. He first turns with his flute right into Monkey's face, "Monkey! You need greater speed!" He chastised before moving to his avian student.

"Crane; height! Viper; subtlety! Mantis—"

"Master Shifu..?"


Zeng quacked at the red panda's harsh reply and shook in his spot. "I-i-it's Master Oogway! He wants to see you!"

Shifu's face softens instantly and he rests his flute down before clearing his throat. "I see. Students!" The four young warriors stood at attention in a straight line. "I will see to Master Oogway. In the meantime, I need you to take my critiques at heart in the training hall! I shan't be too long..." And with that, he turned and zipped through the court to make his exit.

Whilst the rest of the guys begrudgingly walked to the training hall and murmured amongst each other, the sweet snake, Master Viper, stayed behind to inquire to the messenger duck.

"Hey, Zeng? Any letters from Tigress?" She asked politely, to which Zeng answered easingly to.

"Why yes she did, Master Viper!" He pulled from the inner pockets of his green messenger robe a broad scroll with an emerald seal and handed it to the serpent.


The duck jolted at the sudden call of his name from Master Shifu and sighed before bowing to Viper, "Enjoy your letter, Master." Before flapping away to follow the red panda.

The snake smiled and happily slithered into the training hall to catch up with the others. "Guys! Look!" She called out.

The three of them turned back to her in slight confusion and intrigue as they made their ways to her. "What is it, Vip?" Monkey asked, scratching his chin curiously.

"Another reply from Tigress! Oooh! I wonder if she met a cute boy yet!" She replied ecstatically.

Meanwhile, Crane rubbed his wing against his straw-hat sceptically. "I know you're excited, but I highly doubt it. Tigress isn't the type to really gossip about... boys. Or anything really—"

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