Part 1

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There was a buzz in the hospital, this was not one of the times where the deathly still overtook the hospital. My feet padded down the halls, a squeak following my worn converse. The hours of running the pit, this is simply where all emergency patients were rushed via ambulance or own self diagnosing in of numerous traumas . Ideally I would be in OR 3, that's where the real adrenaline happened. When you have a patient holding on by a thread as you search the heart, the most vital organ in the body for the microscopic tear. The rush you receive once you find it, is indescribable. As I have trained for many years in this hospital I was labelled an "all-rounder" this means I was the the go to person for majority of things, specially when directing who to where.
The need to help people I guess ran in the family as my brother, is the head of the Brooklyn's police department. He has been my rock since our parents past away a few years ago, my mother was diagnosed with a serious heart condition that no one had the answers to. Her body just began to decay as her heart decided to give up, it had no fight left and due to her age she was long wait listed on the organ donation. She past away 18th February 2018. Dad on the other hand, you could argue he was dead to us long before he actually met the soil where he lay. He was a detached man at best, alcoholic and pure anger coursed through his veins. This made for a difficult childhood but nonetheless I will grant him the drive I have developed today. He died of liver failure, one could say that was expected. Grief was no stranger to me but the world around me knew nothing of my grief. The people around me describe as sunshine with no rainy cloud in sight but in reality I was nothing but storm clouds.
"Ash!", Stacy called from the end of the corridor. "I have the biggest favour to ask you", she posed towards me, a beg formulated on her eyes, sweat beaded her forehead as a sickle green correlated on her skin, fever was dancing across her face. She should not be here I thought. "How can I help you, you don't look well at all, maybe you should go home ?" I replied. "I am about to go lie down in the on-call-rooms but then I got a called requesting assistance at a crash sight where they need the surgeon on sight but in the current state I am in, I just don't know if I can manage. I know I have no right to ask you as you are working double time but please I am begging you !" She pleaded. "Don't even be silly, of course I would go. You should really go home and then come back tomorrow all fresh. If you want I can talk to the general (head of this area of the hospital) to ease your mind about going home"
"You are a lifesaver !! I owe you big time. Thank you so much !" A small weak smile graces her face, as relief washed over her eyes.
I beelined for the the doors heading out to the ambulance bay. I saw a paramedic wave me over.
"Are you Stacy ?"
"No I'm Ash fox", Stacy is unwell I am covering for her. Let's go!"
"Oh ah I mean. Ah yes let's go..." he had an uneasy look in his stone eyes. That was a strange reaction, I thought.
As I reached the back of the ambulance, a man sat in the secondary seat positioned next to the portable bed. He had a stern look on his face, a frown creasing at his forehead. His hands lay intertwined in his lap, dark ink displaying his wrists and evidently disappearing down his sleeve. From the brief glance I took as I entered the ambulance I could tell he was a well built man, arguably quite tall as well but it was difficult to conclude due to his sitting. As I entered I gave a small hello and a polite nod to only receive a mere glance of his eyes at mine and then retreating back to staring at his knuckles. This was an odd first interaction, it may a sense of uneasiness float in stomach as I thought how this was an uncomfortable interaction and made me wonder how we would manage the accident scene together.
"Let's go" his gruff voice resounded through the ambulance.
Bzzz, my phone vibrated in my pocket, quickly reaching to uncover who sent me a message. I could feel his eyes carefully studying me as I read over the text from my brother, just informing me he wouldn't be able to make dinner tonight as he to work overnight on some big gang related case.
A jolt correlated through the ambulance, which made me look up, concern featured on my face as this didn't seem quite right, it was suppose to be a car accident that we were attending, I can't image why we would have turned down a uneven gravel drive way. The house began to sprawl out in front of me, a farm styled house with a multi level structure. There a barn and horse training grounding. There a few burley men positioned in what best described as outdoor setting area, tight looks on there faces. I turned to face the man seated in front of me.
"This doesn't seem right, I thought I was attending an assistance of a car accident that needed a surgeon"
"No, you are ill informed, you are treating a private case of a man that has been wounded" he bluntly responded.
I met his eyes, there was no room for discussion left, I quickly clambered out of the ambulance and made my way forward towards the men. I could feel his presence behind me, dominance radiated from him as the men in front of me held a sense of admiration for this man. But how would they know him, if he is just a paramedic...

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