Part 2

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"Hey bos... ah paramedic" one man spoke, causing my suspicion and unease to increase. This situation was all wrong, it was screaming red flags. It was as if my legs had a mind of their own somehow still moving forward.
As I reached the outdoor seating area where the men were standing, I asked
"Where is the patient that requires treatment?"
"Sorry, he is just through those doors", one replied, brief moving his head downwards to meet my eyes then nodding his to the left indicating to the tinted glass doors. As I pushed the door aside I walked into a reasonably small room, where a sickly man lay on a makeshift bed connected to a heart monitoring system, a steady low rhythm pulsated throughout the room causing a deafening drum to resonate through the cladded walls. This stirred up the notion whoever was running this place did not want this man in a hospital for a specific reason. A stubby man stood adrift sweat beaded his face, presumably from the humidity of the air. He had a small logo on his coat indicating his role as a vet specific to horse care. The owner of this place must be extraordinarily rich, rich enough to afford their own personal vet. I went and observed the man, to uncover a gun shot wound through his left abdomen. My thoughts swirled, I cannot help this man, he needs an operating room and supporting medical staff and and and just needs a freaking hospital.
I turned to walk out the door, this is not right I want to help this man but the best thing I can do is take him to the hospital. I make my way out the screen doors and meet eyes with the other paramedic, who seemed to be having a conversation with one of the men.
"I am sorry but I cannot and will not help this man, he needs a hospital" I stated firmly, with a small shake to my voice followed by a shark in take of air. He shifted his gaze towards me, conducting what seemed like sizing up of me, evaluating the what I would do next. He walks over to where I am standing near the doors, closing the air with his suffocating masculinity.
"You will help this man, you are a doctor that is your job", authority lacing every word.
"No, I cannot help this man. You are clearly dressed as a paramedic that entails you have a medical training. So you help the man !" My voice elevated the stress of situation breaking my rational.
"I am not a paramedic, I am the boss here and you will do as I say or there will be consequences that I can assure you that you will not like." The anger corroded each word as he bellowed down at me.
The stupidity in my mind overtook me as I responded,
"I do not care for you stupid consequences, I am I highly regarded surgeon of Boston and will not be treated in this manner. I will treat this man if will get him back to the hospital. But if you are so persistent on him staying here then I can not and frankly will not help him", I began to step away to make to get the hell of this property and back to normality, this is not a situation that I should've walked myself into.
A strong hand gripped my bicep, halting my escape. I was going back into his chest, the proximity of us caused my stress to rise. Shock and horror cascaded my eyes as I met his, a fury burned within his deep hazel ones. He then proceeded to drag me back into the room, portioning himself behind me but keeping a firm grip on my shoulders to stop me from shifting around.
"Look at this man, he needs help, imagine he was your father, that is my father on the table. I need you to help him" his stern voice spoke over, I wonder was there a slight desperation to his statement.
"My father has been dead a long time, but that is a burden I will not pass onto you. I will help this man but I am not making any promising that he will survive"
"Thank you" he replied curtly before exiting the room and began relying his thoughts of Something to the men outside. Their voices were muffled, causing me to remove my focus from them and onto the man.
"Do you have any knowledge in terms of the human anatomy?"
"Ah, I know a little, I'm not sure I will be all that much help. I really am just a horse vet, sorry"
"That's okay as long as you follow everything I say, I recon we have a good chance at sustaining this mans life"
That was quite an optimistic thought, this man truely had the look of death. I began with a small incision, the bullet had missed the major arteries but there was definitely some found that had built up in his right lung which is putting an increased strain on his body. I continued to investigate to examine whether the bullet has caused internal bleeding but as majority of the blood is pooling out his body this was a good indicate that there was no internal bleeding. The bullet was resting comfortably over the right kidney, appearing to have not caused that much damage which was a promising sign, although the fluid in the lung will be an issue especially since it may have been there for a significant amount time.
The surgery continued, clearing the fluid and removing the bullet, I told the vet that for now that is all I can do we have to see if he responds to change in conditions.
"Thank you, I must go and tend to my horses"
I was left alone in the room, there was two doors, the sliding door where I knew that the men were most likely to be and another door. That door was most best option for escape, my breathe caught in my throat as I twisted the door handled. It opened to a furnished room, possibly a lounge room as there were luxurious couches positioned on an expensive rug. I walked further into the house in search for a door to the outside. I could hear female voices coming from the right of me and so I proceeded to go through a door to my left that lead me to a foyer with a double panelled door looking promising to open to the outside. I small smile graces my face, I could sense the taste of freedom at my finger tips. There was a commotion behind from where I had come, I suppose they have discovered that I've left. Adrenaline pumped through me as I sprinted out the door, not bothering to waste time closing it. I ran up a long winding driving way of disarrayed asphalt stones. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone to call a taxi the hell out of here, my breathe ragged.
"Yes hi I need a taxi immediately, to ah..." I looked around in search of address noticing the bold writing on the gates
"Miss ?"
"Sorry, yes, 156 boulevard crescent, Boston"
"There is a taxi practically at that address he will assist you"
"Thank you, thank you so much, you a life saver"
I said just as a taxi arrived. I frantically got into the car, willing it to move instantly but it didn't. There was a tap on the window, shit! I cursed under my breathe.

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