Part 3

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"Get out here now!" His deep voice boomed, rattling with already upset insides.
I couldn't formulate words so I simply shook my head vigorously. I frantically, desperately looked towards the the taxi driving, but he refused to meet my eyes. I could not fathom how this man outside the taxi had so much power that even the taxi driving would obey him. My body/mind entered flight and fight, so I did the most rational thing. I scrambled across the seat and existed through the other door, taking off at a sprint, I had to get away from this place, these people were truely insane. I had manage to gain at least 5 meters distance between the men hurtling towards me, before gravity seemed to consume me and I crashed into the ground. I clutched at the floor in a hopeless attempt to escape as at this point my freedom was fleeting. I have mange to get to my knees before an arm encircled my waist and I was hoisted off the floor. The man carried me back towards hell, I tried to wriggle out of his hold, pushing my legs out, as it was useless to tried and reach the floor. This only caused him to tighten and grumble, clearly unimpressed by attempts. He finally set me to my feet once we had reached back near where the man was.
"Are you a coward?" He posed towards me have a downwards slight to his face so that he meet mine.
"I am in no means a coward. I have just saved the mans life, all he requires is a blood transfusion as he has lost a lot of blood but I figured considering your stance as a 'paramedic' you could figure that one out. And to put it plainly to you I do not feel comfort remaining here as you are quite unsettling and I am not sure if you even are a paramedic or who you say you are! So in the politest way possible I would like to leave immediate, although I do not need your permission and I do not want to be manhandled all the way back here thank you! I also have other patients to attend to and considering this has taken up a good portion of my day I do not wish to spend anymore time in your presence, thank you !" With that I attempted to side around him, a part of me knew this was futile consider the religious altercation but the other part held hope that some part of him was reasonable.
"So, as a doctor you would refuse to save my dad. That is rather heartless, Ash"
Ahhh hold the phone where the frick did he learn my name specifically considering I don't remember doing the whole name swap thing.
"Fine I will finish the care for your father but that I leave!" What an absolute asshole, first he calls me a coward and now guilt tripping me this is ridiculous, this man is playing a mental game with me and I was losing.
"To ensure that he wakes up I need to take your blood and give it to him, as you are a relative. What is your blood type ?" At this point we had entered the room and I was getting the iv ready to do a bloody transfusion between. The man on the table has responded to A+ indicated that this is his blood type.
"Fine, I am AB-"
This man was not related to the guy on the table. He lied !
"Oh okay, no worries I just need to find a vein and then you will just need to sit here for 15 mins"
I could not put this man blood into him, but I cannot let him know that I am aware that his not related. I noticed a small bucket and a white towel. This work, I will pretend to hook him up but instead I will just transfer the blood into here.  At this point one could argue that I am incredibly stupid or brilliant, I hadn't really considered the consequences for when he found the bucket of his blood, or what I would even do with the bucket.
"Boss, you need to see this!" One his men spoke breaking the awkward silence in the room.
Shit, shit, shit ! He would have definitely seen the bucket. I shuffled to stand in front of it but the man in the door way locked eyes with, his brows furrowing. I gentled pushed the bucket under then makeshift bed in attempt to conceal it.
"Come, unhook me now"
"Ah yes no worries !" I said overly enthusiastically, my nervousness being concealed by happy composure whether it was believable was another story. I reposition myself in front of the bucket and plastered a fake smile on my face.
He strolled out of the room, and began conversing with men outside.
I unintentionally or rather I would have to say intentionally tried to listen. His voice suddenly changed, there was a violence to it as he spoke on the phone. The only words I could make out was "brother", "kill", "hard drive".
This man was no normal business man to which my previous assumption was, he must be apart of a gang that my brother has been so worried about!! 
I redirected my focus to the bucket. What the heck am I going do with this bucket full of blood!  There was some towels folded on one of the wooden shelves in the room. Maybe I could soak it up, man this is so stupid why would I even think this was a good idea in the first place. I just attempted to cover the bucket under the bed with the towels I could argue that it was from his surgery. My back was still turned to the door when he re-entered.
"What exactly are you up to ?"
His voice startled me, there a patronising angle to it. He was just antagonising me at this point, adding to the the ball of fury that building in the pit of my stomach.
"Absolutely nothing of your concern, mate!"
"Now that we have done the blood transfusion, may I leave you imbecile!" I spoke, fury burned at my throat.
"Show me what you were hiding". He completely ignored my question
"No, I was cleaning up after I saved your father!" I drawled at father because I know for a fact that this man had no relation to the one dying. He walked up to me pushing me aside. I tried to shove him out of the way,but he just extended his arm and pinned my to his side as i attempted to reach to push the bucket out of his reach. My behaviour was rather futile, this man had no problem over powering me. He pushed away the towels and looked upon the blood.
Shit shit shit ! This is not good
I slowly backed away.
"Is this my blood?" His voice boomed through the room.
I felt like a deer in headlights. This was a bad situation, I have to get out of here. I darted through the door way, having a miliasecond to look upon the shocked faces on the men standing around. I fleeted to the left down the path I had come down when I arrived. I heard the man shout behind at the men that there no reason to follow. My lungs were burning, I just reached the first step before an arm had snaked around my waist. My converse lost there place on the floor and I was hoisted up, his arm holding me in place against his chest as I kicked my legs out.
"There is no point in struggling"
"Well, let me go then you complete arsehole!" I coughed out.
He walked a little way back, we were no close to the horse jumping area. He released me I stumbled to my feet trying to regain composure. I tried to create some distance between us but he had other plans. He step towards me and placed an arm on the railing of the arena. I turned to the other side but he trapped me between his arms forcing me to face him. His eyes bore into my, I could feel the anxiety pulsate throughout my body.
"Do you know who I am?"

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