The Past World

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Tenko's POV. 18 year old Tenko entering his last year at UA there appeared 13 year old Yuki walking towards her brother hugging him as a photo was taken.

That time I was talking to Toya Todoroki "Man, good thing I visited you. You're a Senpai now Shimura" he congratulate. "thanks Todoroki, I'm glad I was able to get this far if it wasn't for you and my sister" I said.

"speaking of your sister, I can see she's enjoying a lot" Todoroki pointed by the Sakura path at the distance. What I saw made my jaw drop.

"Wow! The Sakura trees here are blooming so beautiful, Shoto" Yuki said towards a half-red and half-white haired boy.

"it's beautiful here during spring" Shoto said "I always come here with my Mom, she told me this is a special place for couples."

I saw Yuki blushed "Shoto.. ehehe, don't make it sound like we're a couple" she said then glance at me "especially our brothers are..." she pointed.

I glared straight. My little sister is cute but the eyes of other boys she's an angel. I remember Big Sis Hana said that boys started flocking over Yuki at school and at home.

"Tenko-nii! I'm hungry let's go get something!" Yuki whined giving those eyes.

I take a closer look, she's still the same as ever "alright alright, let's go eat some ramen" I said.

"Tenko-nii, Recovery Girl and Principal Nezu said I'm welcome to UA once I graduated" Yuki said very excited "they said with my quirk, I can be just like Recovery Girl!"

"that's great news! I'm so happy for you" I smiled just seeing her smile already made my day much brighter.

I want to take back those times, I want my sister back...

One day. Yuki's POV.

"hey Shoto, what you up to?" I asked.

"hey Yuki, I was wondering if you wanna hang out with me later?" Shoto asked.

I nodded then smile "hm! Sure!" I accepted.

Shoto smiled "great, I'll pick you up later" he said.


"huh, what's going on?!" the student panic "an earthquake?!" some of them presume "No look!" they pointed outside an explosion.

I look at the window then dust exploded but then something emerged.


"a... a villain..."


Hours later Tenko's POV.

I finally pass the physical exams, sure is easy since my Disintegration quirk rusted them up. I smiled as I remember Yuki's smiles. I can't wait to tell her how I pass the exams.


All of a sudden my phone vibrated, I took it out and saw it's a call from Todoroki. I quickly answer "Todoroki? Why did you call all of a sudden?" I asked.

Todoroki's voice sound shock "Shimura... Juban high is... your sister... she's..." he couldn't say it.

But as soon as I heard my sister's name I was so sure something bad happened. I drop the call and immmediatley rush outside as I ran and caught the train. The rain kept pouring down while I ran then took turn just to see Juban High is completely wrecked. It's all debris and some students are injured while some are lifeless.

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