Everyones exam

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Yuki's POV

It's been minutes Kirishima and Sato had already fail the exam against Cementoss. Next is Tsu and Tokayami's exam against Ectoplasm I saw them escape together, I'm impress that they're communicating as a team then they fought as many Ectoplasm's clones until they reach the goal when there's the real Ectoplasm is there. Then a huge clone merge then it use a super move to bite them, then they're trap then Tokoyami send Dark shadow to the gate but Ectoplasm fought Dark shadow. Suddenly Tokoyami called Dark Shadow back then I saw him grab something from Tsu then they tried to attack again then Ectoplasm Kick and and Dark Shadows punch collided but Dark Shadow weakens then we saw Ectoplasm is leg cuff, then Tsu and Tokoyami pass the exam.

3rd match it's Ojiro and Iida against Power Loader in the construction site, their disadvatage is their both at the ground and that's Power Loader's advantage on ground also there are traps on the ground. Moments later I saw Ojiro on Iida's back, they look stupid I laugh hard but it's a clever plan then Iida starts running with Ojiro on his back, they're out running the traps very clever then Power Loader shows up then he made a huge hole, Iida jumps then Ojiro grab his leg then they start spinning as he threw Ojiro then tail whip Power Loader as he jump to his escape, Iida and Ojiro pass the exam.

Then it's almost Shoto's turn I rush to him almost at the gate "Shoto, wait!" I called then he turn back. I approach him as I catch my breath

"Yuki, what are you doing here?"

"I want to give a good luck on your exam and I'm hoping you and Yaomomo win" I said

"ufu, thanks Yuki" Shoto thanked me

"and always talk to Yaomomo sometimes you need to rely on other when you're in trouble, she's very smart sometimes you need to trust her on things. She might have lost her courage during the sports festival but she's still the Yaomomo we know you just need to give her a little nudge" I advice

"thank you for the advice well gotta go" then he starts walking

I rush up front then gice him a quick kiss for a few seconds I pulled off I saw him surprised I smiled at him "ufu, see yaa later Shoto I believe you can win together. Watch me win" I said while I ran back.

Shoto's POV

I saw her running farther and farther away, I smiled when she kissed me I hold my lips I felt strong when she encourage me. But then I have to catch up with Yaoyorozu.

"let's go" I said, I notice Yaoyorozu is worried "Yaoyorozu, what's wrong are you nervous?" I ask

"uh no" she answered

"it's okay with our opponent I don't blame you" I pointed "don't worry, I have a plan in mind for us"

We just got inside our exam is in a community, me and Yaoyorozu are planning but she's been acting nervous. I need to pass this exam Yuki had high hopes and she wants me to watch her win then I shall win in any other way. Then Yaoyorozu and I ran to the alley ways.

"Yaoyorozu, listen I want you to keep creating small object, when you stop being able to, it means Mr. Aizawa is close by" I explain. "our success which of us find the others first. Once we spot him I'll draw him to me then you can to the escape gate then win this thing for us just stay close to me until then" I scout the area then I turn to her "come on hurry up and start making things."

"sure little problem" she said

Minutes later

We kept running then Yaoyorozu is still creating small objects and I see she's nervous "umm, I guess those work okay, but what are they" I ask

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