Waking Up from a Dream

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Renegade/Yuki's POV

I am now staring at my brother who is now inside my mind "Tenko-nii... is that you?" I asked assuring he is not some kind of illusion made by my mind.

Tenko smiled "no, I am real!" he said "right now I am here!" he said as he approach me "it is not a hero's job to be there for his sister!" he then stop as knelt down in front of me "after all, it is a job of a big brother to protect his little sister."

My eyes widen as I look at him as I felt teary all of a sudden hearing that from him for such a long time.

"Tenko, you do know what cause your sister to be a villain in the first place right?" Master said.

All of a sudden binds restrainted All for One "Shut your mouth!" Yuki said as behind her there were eight people and one of them was "Grandma?" I called.

Grandma smiled "see what I told you" she said "I knew you'll meet them."

I remember what she said back then...

"I know you'll meet someone..."

"someone who can finally wake you up in this nightmare..."

"someone who will support you...

"and someone who will protect you, Yuki..."

I felt all my tears fall down "yes... and I already met them" I said as I felt so relieve... those people who open my eyes from this nightmare. Yuki... my counterpart... Shoto... my best friend... Tenko... my big brother...

I look down feeling my tears 'thank you!'

"You are all ghost of the past, don't listen to these corpses" All for One shouted.

I glare up "Don't tell me what to do!" I shouted. As I stood up seeing All for One's exression of fear as I step up "whats the matter? Can't control me anymore?"

"that's because this is my mind and my own person!"

"all those times I ran away and push the people who cared about me out of my foolish goals! You don't get to control me anymore because I will set my heart ablaze!"

"RENEGADE!!" All for One screamed.

"SILENCE! That is not my name!" I said as I out my palm on my chest "I am Yuki! I am Yuki Shimura! And I will banish you from my mind!" I shouted.

"I am a part of All for One, you cannot banish me" All for One said.

Yuki steps up "unless you forgot, this is Yuki's domain" she reminded "she can do whatever she wants you are just trespassing."

"and that is why I shall take over your authority as All for One" I said "that means changing my world for the better without you!"

All for One step back "don't be foolish! It will also repeat all over again!" he pointed "no matter how much you change it, it will happen all over again that's because its human nature! Some people will also step in your way!"

"I am proof that her words will live on!" Yuki steps up as she was beside me "her world will live on! Despite her being a villain who have changed for the better! I believe in her and I will believe in myself!"

Yuki then hold my left hand then gave me a confident smile "lets finish this" she said. I got surprised but I smile then nodded "yeah!"

"and we will be here for yaa kiddo!"

The Predecessors said supporting us. I see Grandma's smile I couldn't help but be happy and relief that I'm not alone in this.

I look up to see All for One broke out of his restraints "I gues I just have to eliminate you and continue my work!" he shouted.

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