Trial Run

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On Saturdays I didn't have class but it was my longest shift of the week so I relished sleeping in as long as I could. It was still about eight thirty in the morning when I started to get up and out of bed. I grabbed my phone and became completely distracted from the text that filled my screen. I was wondering, totally cool if you don't want to but, would you like to meet somewhere for lunch before your shift? Again, it's totally fine if you don't. The text immediately gave me more motivation to get dressed. 

  My concentration was immediately broken due to rapid knocking at my door. Upon opening the door I was greeted by Mr. Lewis, who had a very aggravated look on his face. “Next time pick your packages up on time so that way they aren’t sitting in my lobby.” I took the box out of his hands without saying anything and closed the door. I could hear him grunt on the other end before hearing his footsteps becoming further and further away. I threw the box on my bed and quickly opened it up to see my superhero gear. I texted Dave back telling him I would meet him at the diner around the corner from Atomics and threw my phone on the bed. I grabbed the suit immediately, pulling off the cheaply glued on white fur and putting it on along with everything else in the box.

  I was never one to be overly confident in myself. I never thought there was anything to feel good about when I looked in the mirror. My hair was frizzy more than Curly 90% of the time, my face was full and a little chubby, and my body wasn't petite like the ones the guys back home liked, but was curvy and therefore was called fat. But looking at myself in the mirror as my alter ego made me feel powerful and badass. I took the boots and accessories off and placed them in my bag. For a moment I checked myself out in the mirror still wearing the cat suit, before putting my work clothes on over it and making my way out to the street. 

  I felt remorse as I made my way down to the diner. Was it okay for me to lie to Dave? I suppose I wasn't actually lying, but I definitely wasn't being honest with him about the story or the costume or much of anything truly. But then again, neither was he. I turned the corner and saw him standing against the building. Dave's eyes met mine and I immediately pushed the problem to the back of my mind and decided that it was a problem for future me. "Hey," I said, taking a look around. "Where are your groupies?" Dave's face turned the same red color as my Vans. "Uh...I thought maybe it would be cool if it was just you and me." I could feel my face now matching his. "Yeah t-totally cool," I stuttered out. "Cool," he replied, looking back at me. "Yeah, cool," I said back. What the hell was wrong with us? It was like we had never talked to each other before. 

 "Here, let me get the door for you," Dave said, grabbing the handle and pulling the door open. I immediately started analyzing everything I was wearing, from the thick black rimmed glasses and ponytail to the baggy X-Men shirt. If I had known it was only going to be the two of us I would have put more effort into my hair at least. Being alone with Dave at school was one thing, we were partners, and aside from our first interaction I'm pretty sure Todd and Marty completely forgot I was a girl. But sitting across from Dave alone made me feel nervous. 

 We sat in silence for a while looking at the menus before our waitress came over, finally breaking up the awkwardness. "Hi, what would you guys like to drink?" I didn't look at the waitress but instinctively said, "Diet Coke," at the same time Dave did. The waitress chuckled, "You two are cute!" We both put our menus down, "What is it with everyone?" I said, all my nerves from earlier burst out in frustration. Dave cocked his head to the side, "What do you mean?" I laughed, "Everyone thinks we're together!" He laughed back at me, "I mean, I guess if we were, it's not like we wouldn't make a great couple." Was Dave flirting? I laughed back pushing the ludicrous thought away, "Yeah, but that would never happen." I looked at Dave and saw that he was frowning at my statement,  I tricked myself into thinking he hadn't to make me feel less guilty. I tried changing the subject, "So what are you doing later?" He took a deep breath, "Well, later tonight video games with the boys but besides that nothing. You want to come over?" I smiled but became slightly annoyed and uncomfortable wearing the leather under my clothes, why couldn’t secret crime fighting be on the agenda so that I could know when to take this off. "Yeah of course," I finally responded.

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