Somethings got to give

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The walk was silent as we made our way to our mission. I could tell that despite the fact that Dave and I had a great rapport it was going to take Void sometime to win over Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl. We finally made it to the run down building where our mission awaited and finally the silence broke. "Okay Void listen up," Mindy said laying into me. "The piece of shit in here has been taking girls off the street for the cunt that calls himself the Mother Fucker." I shuddered. I had really hoped that this wasn't about him. Mindy continued, "Now you and the Green Ranger over here are going to save the girls, I'll take care of the rest." I remembered how that asshole from the other night was found dismembered and my mind began rolling. "What do you mean by ‘take care of the rest’?" I asked. Mindy walked over to me and got in my face, "Exactly what it sounds like," I could feel the sweat run down my back, "is that too much for you?" Dave walked over to place a hand on her shoulder as if to tell her to calm down. I really wasn't looking forward to watching people die, but these guys were bastards that had it coming to them. If they were taking women for the Mother Fucker, I could only imagine what he wanted them for. I also thought about my story, if I really wanted to get it done I was gonna have to swallow my fear and do it. "No, not at all, I'm ready." 

  We made our way to the door we would be entering and Mindy took out the door man. Immediately Dave and I entered, bursting through the door and catching everyone off guard. "Alright, which one of you is Joe? " Dave asked, standing in the middle of the room. "Who the fuck let you in?" One man said getting up from the couch. He was big in every meaning of the word and bald. "Your door man found himself unable to do his job. So I'll ask again, which one of you cock suckers is Joe!?!" The tension could be cut with a knife as the skinny man at the table stood up. He was tall, very frail, and he looked exactly like the creeps you would see in the after-school specials about stranger danger. 

 "I'm Joe, who the hell are you?" The man replied back as the other two men in the room turned to look at us. "I'm Kick-Ass this is Void, now that we have been introduced I need you to hand over the girls." The creep named Joe began to laugh as the first man grabbed a gun and pointed it at us. "Hey boss, let me get these guys for you." Dave quickly grabbed the batons from his back and I took a defensive stance. "No no no," Joe said in between his laughter. The other douche slowly lowered his gun. "The kids want to play hero Jack, let's let them play." Dave scoffed, "We aren't here to play crypt keeper, we're here to cap you and your buddies asses." Joe laughed once again at Dave and moved closer to us, "Oh really, did you hear that Jack? He thinks he’ll win this one." Now all the men were laughing. Joe looked back at Dave and punched him straight in the face knocking Dave to the ground and leaving me standing solo. I know Mindy was around somewhere, watching if anything went south, but despite the fact that they absolutely had gone south she showed no sign of stepping in. 

 "Grab her," Joe said looking over at Jack and another one of the large men in the room. As they made their way towards me I analyzed them intensely. They were big and could definitely pick me up if I gave them the chance so there was no chance of fighting them head on. Punching and kicking would only give them the opportunity to grab my limbs and pull me into their grasp. They both walked with space in between their legs though as if they were penguins waddling. I knew what to do. "You're gonna have to catch me first," I said with a sly smile. I waited until the men were close enough to grab me and slid under Jack's legs first, slicing his ankles with my pocket knife and bringing him to his knees. I quickly got back up and was looking at the back of my second attacker. I hit him directly in the back with one single hard blow and listened for him to gasp as the wind was knocked out of him. While he was doubled over I took my knife and cut the back of his knees causing him to collapse. 

 I could see more men heading my way out of the corner of my eye from one direction and Dave getting back up from the other. I had definitely chosen the wrong subject for my story, this was way out of my element. Sure I could hit some guys and cut a few more, but a room full of them? Creeps hiding girls? Villians with a vengeance? Even still a part of me actually liked the rush of adrenaline, it made me feel alive. I stared at the men rushing to me and took my taser out, ready to at least take out the first one, when a gunshot went off and then a thud as one man fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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