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Today is still cold and the road is still covered in ice.

Edward is taking Bella so I get her jeep again.

I get to school and my laces are untied so I kneel down to tie them.

I see Tyler's van come skidding around the corner and next thing I knew Jasper was there blocking the van with his hand.

I look between the hand print and him. I can't believe what just happened.

He looks worried or like he did something bad.

I get to the hospital and they run a few tests. Jasper comes in when the nurse leaves.

"What the fuck happened!?" I ask and he goes to grab my hand and I know he is trying to calm me. "Don't touch me!"

He looks hurt so I calm down a bit "sorry"

"It's okay meet me at Jamie's at 7 tonight I'll explain everything" He says. Jamie's is a restaurant near the end of Forks

"Okay see you in history." I say when he leaves.

I get out of the hospital and get to go back to school. On my way out I see Carlisle

"Hi Mr Cullen. I'm Amelie a friend of Alice and Jasper's." I say

"Oh please call me Carlisle." He says "it's very good to see them getting along with other people they don't do that much."

"Yes, well I best be getting to school." I say

I get to school and go straight to history.

"Hey" I say as I sit next to Jasper

"Hey" He says and smiles

"Right well who wants to do their project first?" Mr Caul asks the class

"I do sir" I say and I see Jasper getting nervous.

I go to stand at the top of the room as Mr.Caul puts my project on the interactive whiteboard.

"So I did my project on Jasper Whitlock." I begin "Jasper Whitlock joined the army before he turned 17. He was one of the youngest and bravest people in the army at the time. In 1863 the base got ambushed and while everyone else ran Jasper Whitlock went back to the base to see of everyone got out. Unfortunately he was never seen after that but his bravery is the reason I chose him for my project. There was no pictures of him as the camera wasn't even invented then."I say

"Thank you Amilie" Mr Caul says

I sit back down and whisper in Jasper's ear "How does it feel to be older than the first camera?"

His eyes go wide "You know!"

"Yup. I'm expecting more info tonight though" I let him know

A few more people do their projects before the bell rings and we go out.

No Control~Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now