note from nyx

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and that brings us to the end of draco and elara's story.

i gave you guys what you wanted, didn't i? never say im evil again...or do because i still have another book in the works.

if you didn't like the epilogue, feel free to just ignore it and stick with a sad/bittersweet ending! just please don't comment things like "i'm disappointed with the ending" because that makes me a little sad.

also, i know this is of popular demand — so im thinking of making a separate drabble book with just drelara one shots. it'll probably be a lot of fluff and angst (not a lot of smut) so let me know if you guys would be interested in that and if so, what you'd like to see!

to everyone who read, commented, messaged me, voted, posted on my message board or made tiktoks, thank you so much for keeping me motivated and being patient with me. you don't understand how many times i fell out of love with this book and my writing, only to fall back in love with it again because of you.

to those of you who made edits, fanart or got my book printed, thank you so much for bringing my books to life. you don't understand how excited and happy i get when i see a new piece of work revolving around my book.

to those of you translating my books, thank you so much for making my writing accessible to people all over the world. i can't explain how grateful i am.

to mer — i am in awe of you. you are always there to lean back on whenever i need help and i tell you everyday but i love you. thank you for being my best friend and for always supporting me and helping me grow. i hope one day i can repay you.

to cal — thank you for being my brainpower. i would never have finished this book if you hadn't helped me sift through so many ideas and always encouraged me. i love you.

to so many others — helen, kaia, remy, linn, ace, grace, sher, morgan, del, flora, may, aspen, maeve and so many more — thank you for being so kind to me and supporting me in your own ways. (if i have missed anyone, please forgive me, i'm currently writing this through tears and i'm already terrible at names)

thank you for reading the girl who lost it all < 3

after a very dramatic author's note, i would like to say, as the official last threat of this book:



always and forever,


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