Dr. Win (part 1).

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No one's POV:


"Come on already!" shouted Top as Win ran towards his car, Win had told him countless times that he could go on his own but Top insisted, cause Top knew Win would ditch this party too, (even if it was Top's engagement party) if he didn't bring his little brother himself. He had barely convinced Win by telling him about all the important senior doctors who were gonna attend.

Win was in a crisp white shirt and black pants, he had opened the first few buttons of his shirt, and had his hair styled back too, but it still kept falling in his eyes, he wished now that he had brought some gel along with him.

They were nearing the place, when Top woke Win up, who was probably dreaming about his upcoming operations, he was that much of a workaholic. "Umm so Win, I need to confess something" Top spoke, Win was still in a sleepy daze as he told him to go ahead.

"Bright's gonna be there" Top fearfully whispered, "Are you umm okay with that?" He continued in the same tone when Win failed to answer, "Oh, okay" Win spoke trying to sound confident as he let that name register in his brain and sink in his heart.

Bright, the Bright who he had his first kiss with under the apple tree at his parent's house in 8th grade, the Bright who asked him out in 10th grade, with flowers in his hand and the shyest of smiles on his face, the Bright he went to the same college with cause they were that much in love, the Bright who left him behind afterwards cause he wanted to pursue music and take Win with him as he thought medical school was useless but Win refused as he wanted to stay near his parents, in his home town, while Bright wanted to go to the USA, his bright, his lovely little heartbreaker Bright.


It was hard to avoid someone whose face you saw on every billboard, on the juices you drank, on the magazines you read so Win had become a master at zoning out Bright, he didn't understand why Thailand was so obsessed with the singer, I mean he hadn't even visited his home country in years, Win stopped understanding everything related to Bright a long, long time ago.

Of course Bright would be there, Win thought, it was the engagement party of Top and Man, and Bright was one of Man's closest friends, Win had overheard Man talking to Bright a few days ago, but as always he had zoned that out too.

Win stepped out of the car as Top gave the keys to the valet, it was a lavish restaurant, and Win expected nothing less from the couple as he entered the place.

He scanned the scarce crowd, and found Bright in no less than 10 seconds, Bright was talking to Man's dad, while patting the sweat on his forehead, he looked dashing and confident, and Win wondered if this was the same guy who kissed him with quivering lips on a summer night under the bright stars, he just gave off the aura of being famous now, Win searched for all the doctors Top had mentioned, none of them were there, it was understandable as Top had dragged him early to help with the preparations, when Win's eyes went back to Bright on their own, the latter seemed to be staring back at him.

His piercing gaze was like lava, melting everything it landed upon, there were so many things their eyes were saying to each other in those 5 seconds, before Fong interrupted, dragging Win away to the bar, to loosen him up, Win had zoned out again, but this time all that was on his mind was Bright, but Fong knew how to make Win listen to him, "So Winnie, I was thinking..." he started but Win's hard glare shut him up real quick, that nickname was off limits and barely anyone used it except Fong, who could count on his fingers how many times he had said it since Bright left.

10 mins later, a thud was heard, and it echoed, Win ignored it as such sounds kept coming because the waiters were setting up the tables and chairs, but when Man rushed to Win saying coherent words, Win couldn't help but get confused. "IT'S BRIGHT, HE JUST FAINTED, WIN NONE OF THE DOCTORS ARE HERE YET, PLEASE HELP HIM, JUST FOR ME, I KNOW YOU DON'T WANNA BE AROUND HIM BUT I WOULDN'T HAVE ASKED YOU IF IT WASN'T NECESSARY" Man finally ranted.

Win nodded as he rushed towards the stage where Bright was getting ready to perform, a crowd had formed around him, which parted when Win came in view, Win bent down to check Bright's pulse and temperature and it was like a switch, Win wasn't the goofy, fooling around guy anymore, he was Dr. Win, who had a patient in front of him, a very special patient though.

With the dark circles under Bright's eyes and the sudden fainting, Win asked Bright's assistant if he had eaten at all today, when the assistant shook her head indicating a no, Win came to the conclusion that it was exhaustion, he splashed a glass of cold water on Bright's face as everyone watched.

Brights opened his eyes and there were a series of thankful sighs from the crowd, their eyes met for the second time that evening as Bright whispered...

"Hi, Winnie."

Author's note:

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