Dr. Win (part 2).

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No one's POV:

"He..Hello Bright" Win stuttered, staring back into Bright's eyes. When he realised how hard everyone was staring, he quickly got up, brushed the non existent dust from his pants, and confidently went to the bar, leaving bright on the cold floor.

He ordered a vodka tonic, cause that was the only way he would get through this party, he was on his 3rd drink, when the place started filling up, everyone already knew how the charming doctor of the International Thailand Hospital had helped the superstar and main performer of tonight and how they supposedly had had a moment, people weren't scared to ask questions to both of them, Bright answering them with ease while Win was struggling as he couldn't lie to save his life.

"Do you two have a history?"
"When did you meet?"
"Are y'all dating? Cause like I have a hardcore crush on him so it's better if you back off"

When the questions and the weird threats started getting annoying, Win took his drink and left for the patio, it was at the end of the hall, and everyone must've thought it was closed off, as they were all crowded around the other larger patio, smoking endless cigarettes.

Win entered and thanked God that there was no one there, only the fresh cold air and distinct voices and laughs, he must've been there for quite awhile as even the ice in his drink had melted all the way, the door opened, and for a second the voices were louder and still sounding very very irritating.

He looked up and there was Bright, who was weirdly relieved to see Win, what Win didn't know was that Bright was looking for him as he was scared Win had already left, he sat beside Win on the stairs and Win felt uncomfortable so he started to stand up, Bright pulled him back down.

"Just stay for a moment please" Bright whispered, and Win finally met eyes with him as he wondered why he obliged without a second thought.

"So, you're finally a doctor, huh?" Bright's raspy voice cut through the air like a sharp knife, "Yeah, I am, and it's still the best thing in my life, what about you? A singer, an actor, a director, congrats on all of that I guess" Win turned the topic around.

"Uhhh yeah, it just sort of happened, and I love that life most of the time, hey Win, I just wanted to say sorry" Bright replied. "For what?" Win spoke while glaring into Bright's eyes. " I don't know, everything? I just..." it was hard to continue for Bright, with those angry eyes on him so he quietly looked down and continued...

"I feel like I've got alot of apologies to give out and the biggest one goes to you, I don't regret choosing music and leaving everything behind Win, but there's this part of me that wonders what would have happened if I had stayed, if I had just not turned around and walked away, I'd have you. Also for trying to get you to quit medical school, that was another shitty thing, you're a great doctor, and you were the bestest of friend and lover anyone could ask for, it's been years since I left, and seeing the world, meeting people, trying new things, it's made me change my opinion on alot of things, like remember how I hated black and yellow together" Bright ranted, and Win silently chuckled, replaying the memory of 16 year old Bright throwing a tantrum, cause Win had worn a black jacket on top of a yellow shirt to the arcade.

"Well I think they're really cool now, I even wore that combination to an award show, I guess what I'm trying to say is alot has changed, but god Win, I still feel the exact same about you as I did when I confessed, my opinion about you is still the same as it has always been, that you're the love of my whole fucking life, I made memories with other people to try to forget yours, but you're the last person I think about before I go to sleep, and I've kissed other people, and I've tried to ya know have sex with them, but it felt like cheating and there are these moments where I hate everything I've built around myself, cause I don't have you, I'll do anything to have you back Winnie" he finished.

Bright knew he sounded desperate, but he just couldn't care cause he was THAT desperate to just hold Win, to call him his again, to feel Win's skin against his first thing in the morning, to marry Win in front of the whole world, or to even just show off Win on his social media. Win cleared his throat and Bright finally looked up to see his favourite face in the whole wide world was stained with tears, and he felt guilty as fuck cause he was the reason behind it.

"Pinky promise me you won't leave this time, and you won't force me into anything" Win declared, holding out his pinky finger, Bright intertwined his pinky finger with Win's and pulled him close, "I, Bright Vachriwat Chivaree pinky promise with all my heart" he replied confidently.

Win smiled finally and pecked Bright's cheek, both boys now a shade of red under the white moonlight.

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