Chapter 10: School

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The alarm started going off: Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Turn it off!" Amber cried.

"Sorry, sweetness, but you have school and I have work. Now, chop chop.I'll go wake your sisters."

Amber was happy to go to school, but she was alsosad because summer was over. She had never been to Bainville Elementary,and was worried if the kids would like her or not. She was bullied in her oldschool. Sure she had friends, but she also had many enemies. Amber got upand dressed and went to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"But what if the kidsdon't like me?" Amber asked.

"Don't worry about them, worry aboutyourself and your sisters. If anything bad happens or if the kids say anythingbad, tell the teacher." Sophie reassured her.

Amber and her sisters ate,finished getting ready, and piled up in their aunts car. They drove up to theschool and seen a banner that read 'Hello and Welcome Back Students! -Bainville Elementary' in pretty colors. They parked and all got out of the car.She walked the girls into the office and made sure they were all set beforeshe left.

"Ok girls. Now, be on your best behavior and Mandy will pick youup at 3 right outside the door there."

"Ok. Bye aunt Soph." All the girls said,still nervous about their first day. Amber had been to a school before whenthey lived with the Deras, but her sisters didn't know anybody outside of her,their parents, the Deras, her aunt and Mandy. Amber didn't know how wellher sisters would do.

"Hi! My name is Chelsea, what's your name?" A nice brunette around 12 asked.

"Hi, I'm Amber. And these are my sisters,Madison and Emily."

"Hi there. Great to meet you. Y'all must be new here."She smiled. She asked the lady working behind the desk what classes andgrades Amber and her sisters where in and showed them to their classes.

"Ok, well, now you know where your sisters will be, do you feel better?"Chelsea asked Amber.

"Yes, I feel a lot better now. Thank you."

"You're welcome, you're class is right up here." When they got to Ambers class, thebell rang and Chelsea said she had to go. Everyone piled up in the class andsat down.

There was about 16 kids in her class. The teacher walked indressed in a pretty dress and had really pretty brown hair. She seemed reallynice, Amber just knew she'd love it here.After the last bell rang, Amber went down the hall and turned where hersisters' room was. She found them putting stuff in their backpacks.

"Comeon, Mandy's waiting on us." They walked to the front door and sure enough,she was right where their aunt said she'd be.

"How was school?" Mandyasked as the girls climbed in the car.

"It was awesome. I wanna come backtomorrow!" Emily chippered.

"Good, what about you Madison?"

"I love it!Our teachers super nice and we played games and had snacks."


"It was good. I like the class and my teachers really nice. I met a few kids Ilike."

"Well that's good. I'm super glad y'all like it."

They decided to go seeSophie at work and ate a little snack with her then they went back home.They played outside and watched TV for a little bit before eating dinner.Then it was bath time. They all took baths and got ready for bed just asMandy was finished cleaning.

"Ok, bed time." Mandy went to the twinsroom first, then Ambers and made sure they were all asleep. Once they wereall asleep, Mandy relaxed watching TV and sipping hot tea when Sophiecame home.

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