Chapter 14: Someone Sees You

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"Hello, Ms. Davis, how are you today?" Principal Ann asked as she shokeMandy's hand.

"I'm good, and yourself?"

"I'm good, thank you. Pleasecome in and sit." Mandy did as she was told and the principal sat on her sideof the desk.

"I asked you to come in today because I had principal Taylorcall me from Bainville."

"Yes, ma'am, that's the school the girls went tobefore. They only went there for a couple weeks though."

"Yes. PrincipalTaylor mentioned to me about the attempted kidnapping?"

"Yes. We knewthe man behind it, sadly though he is not behind bars."

"Yes, I heard. Thegirls aunt Sophie.. Married him?"

"Yes, ma'am. It's very complicated,basically, she had to marry him in order for him not to harm me or the girls.And that man has a very twisted mind. Wait, is this concerning him? 'CauseI can reassure you, he won't come up to this school. He has no idea wherethe girls are located and he will never find out."

"Ms. Davis, I completelyunderstand. We hope for the sake of the girls he never finds out. PrincipalTaylor faxed over a picture of him, along with his description, just in casehe's ever spotted. We have made copies of the picture and handed them outto the girls teachers, as well as he maintenance workers here."

"Oh, that'sgood then."

"Yes. I have also spoken with Ms. Smith and principal Taylor,they said if the girls need anything, here's the number to call," she handsMandy's a piece of paper, "it's principal Taylor's cell phone number."

"Wow. Thank you so much."

"You're so welcome. Like I said, we don'twant anything happening to the girls."

"This is like a huge weight lifted offmy shoulders. Just to know the girls are safe."

"I bet it is. It sounds like thegirls have had a pretty rough life."

"Oh you have no idea."

"Ok, well thankyou for you're time. We will make sure the girls are safe, everything will beperfectly fine here." They both stood up and shook hands again.

"I can'tthank you enough."Mandy went back out to her car when she realized how late in the day it was,2.30. "Well, I might as well wait here then," she said to herself. The bellrang and the girls came outside. Mandy walked over and got them and theyall walked back over to the car.

"Mandy, look!" Amber said and pointed tosome trees.


"Over there." Mandy looked but didn't see anything.

"What is it?" She asked again.

"There's someone standing over there,watching us."

"Girls, in the car, now!" Mandy only seen the kids and theirfamilies, she didn't see anyone watching them, but she wasn't about toignore Amber, especially considering what they've already been through.The girls get in the car and hurriedly buckle up. Mandy calls the school infear of walking back in and tells principal Ann what Amber says. They seeprincipal Ann walk out and look around. She then walked over to the car andasked Amber where the man was.

"Over there," she pointed again. Mandyand principal Ann finally seen him.

"He doesn't work here, does heprincipal Ann?" Mandy asked, a little jumpy.

"No, no he doesn't. Thank you,Amber." She walked off toward the man and Mandy began to get a littlecreeped out.

"Excuse me, sir? Hi, I'm the principal of this school. Do youhave children that go here?"

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