Chapter 12: Life with Mandy

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Well it's been a month since the move and already the girls have had fun.They met some new friends, enjoyed their new school, and even had theirvery first sleepover (well with friends). Amber had asked about her auntoften. Mandy always tell her the same answer, "I'll let you know when Iknow." Aunt Sophie hasn't had any contact with them at all in a monthstime. Maybe Harvey took her phone and won't give it back? Amber andMandy had thought about that and they wanted to cry. She missed her bestfriend, and Amber missed her aunt terribly. They had to be strong for Madisonand Emily though.

"Ok girls, ready to go play with Katy?" Mandy asked. It was Saturday nowand frankly, Mandy was tired but she couldn't sleep. The girls had met Katya couple weeks ago. Katy's mom and Mandy had been friends for awhilenow and her and Mandy would hang out and talk while the girls played.


"Because I have to go to work."

"I thought aunt Sophie gave youmoney?" Amber asked, confused.

"She did, but she stopped."


"Because I don't have to go to her house and watch you anymore, you girlslive here now. I've always had a job, its always when you kids are in school,but I need to work extra hours so we can have money. So I need you three togo over to Katy's today and stay there for a few hours, ok?"


They allpiled up in the car and went to the Love's house. "Hey Teresa, how areyou?" Mandy asked with a big smile when Mrs. Love walked out of thehouse.

"I'm as good as always. What time do you get off today?"

"5 o'clock.Can you watch them until then? If not, I can probably get someone else too."

"No, they can stay here. Katy needs someone to play with anyway."

"Ok,thank you so much Teresa. I'll pay you tonight. Bye girls." She was in a rushand drove off.

"Ok, girls, come on in, Katy's in her room. Want something todrink?"

"Juice, please?" Madison asked.

"Ok, y'all go ahead in there, I'llbring it." Mrs. Love was a nice, gorgeous woman, she was 25 and pregnant.She wasn't to far along yet, but you could see the baby bump.

"Here you gogirls," she said entering Katy's room. Katy and the girls started playing somemore when they heard the doorbell. Mandy couldn't be back already? Shejust left.

"Amber, Madison, Emily, girls," they could hear Mrs. Love'sexcited voice from the living room.

"Yes ma'am?" They all three said andwalked out of Katy's room.

"Someone's here to see you!" She soundedreally excited now.

The girls quickened their pace and made it into the livingroom. They looked at the woman who was in the doorway, the same womanthey have missed and had not been in contact with for a month... aunt Sophie.

"AUNT SOPHIE!!" All the girls shouted and bombarded her, almostknocking her over, luckily, she was already kneeling.

"AMBER, EMILY,MADISON!!" She mimicked. "Ok girls, lets let your aunt come in and sitdown." Mrs. Love said. They went and sat on the couch and started talkingand catching up when Amber asked a question that kinda shook Sophie.

"Where's Harvey? Is he with you? Please tell me he's not."

"No, Harvey's athome. I told him I was coming over here to visit a few friends, he doesn'tknow you girls live over here otherwise he wouldn't have let me come."

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