Chapter 3: The Southern Air Temple

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Aang "Wait till you see it, Katara; the air temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world." 

Katara "Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been 100 years since you've been home." 

Aang "That's why I'm so excited." 

Katara "it's just a lot can change in all that time." 

Aang "I know, but I need to see it for myself." 

He jumped off Appa to find Sokka still sleeping in his sleeping bag to the lake. 

Aang "wake up, Sokka air temple here we come." 

Sokka, "sleep now, temple later." 

Aang, see's Sokka try to fall back asleep when he gets this goofy smile and picks up a stick. 

Aang "Sokka, wake up there, a prickled snake in your sleeping bag." 

Out of sheer fear, Sokka gets out of his sleeping bag and runs to the lake, falling into the water. 

Aang, "great, your up." 

In the background, you could hear Katara laughing. I had a slight smirk on my face. We got back into the air, and let me tell you, not even one minute of flying, we could hear all hear Sokka's stomach growl. 

Sokka, "hey, stomach, be quiet. I'm trying to find us some food; hey! Who ate all of my blubbered seal jerkies?" 

Aang "oh, that was food. I used that to start the campfire last night, sorry." 

Sokka "You what!!! Awwwww, no wonder the flames smelled so good." 

Aang, "the Patola Mountain Range, were almost there." 

Katara "Aang, before we get there, I want to talk to you about the airbenders." 

Aang "yeah, what about them?" 

Katara "well, I want you ready for what you might see. The fire nation is ruthless. They killed my mother. They could have done the same to your people." 

Aang, "just because no one has seen an Airbender doesn't mean they killed them all; they probably escaped." 

Katara "I know it's hard to accept..."

Aang "you don't understand, Katara the only way to the southern air temple the thru a flying bison, and I doubt they have one right Appa, Yip Yip." 

Aang started flying super-fast up the mountain. Sokka had a hard time holding on, so I grabbed his arm to keep him on Appa. 

Aang "there it is, the southern air temple." 

Katara "Aang, it's amazing." 

Aang, "we're home, buddy, we're home." 

We landed, and we all start walking up the path when Sokka once again started complaining. 

Sokka, "so, where do I get something to eat." 

Katara "you're lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders ever to visit an air temple, and all you can think about is food?" 

Sokka "I'm just a simple guy with simple needs." 

Aang, "so that's where my friends and I would play airball, and over there is where the bison would sleep and *sigh*."

Katara "what's wrong?" 

Aang "This place used to befall of monks and lemurs and bison's now there's just a bunch of weeds." 

I walked past Katara and Sokka and put my hand on his shoulder. 

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