Stalker or Hero?

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=Time Skip to the End Of The Day brought to you by Twerking Vincent=

You walk out of the Girls Bathroom,now in your normal clothes,and stretch.Wow,what a day.You met two new friends,a pretty sexy guy who flirts with you,and not to forget your hurting legs from walking to freaking much.

Yep,best day ever!

You walk towards the door,and on the way look around.Most of the worker have left,and apparently the NightShift is about to start.You WOULD like to stay and see what so hard happens in the nightshift that Mike wants a million dollars for,but rules are rules.

You look around and see Vincent sweeping up the floors a little before he goes.He looks up and sees you,giving you a missy face and wink.You blush and look down as you walk.

Then you bump into someone,making you and the person fall.You look and see Mike on the floor,rubbing his butt.
"You need to watch where your going mot-! Oh,(Y/N)."he says,noticing you.
"WHAT were you about to call me?"you ask,crossing your arms at him.

"Nothing,Nothing."he says,getting up and then reaching a hand out to help you.You accept his help and he pulls you up.

"Where's Jeremy?"you ask him.Mike shrugs.
"I guess late."he says,"I really have to go,have a Good Night,Y/N)!"he says,jog to the office.

Wow,he was a totally different person from today.Guess Jeremy was right,is it a pretty cool guy once he isn't in a bad mood.

You glance at Vincent,who is leaning on the broom,glaring at the direction Mike went.Is he jealousy or something?

You ignore it and walk out to your car.Its dark outside.You get in a try to turn it on,but it won't start.So you try a couple times more.Still nothing.You mutter "Crap" and get out and start walking.Your sister wouldn't be up this late,and once she is asleep,a tree could hit the house and she wouldn't wake.

You walk to your,house,which wasn't very far so you didn't worry about having to walk far.Just one thing DID worry you:to get home you had to pass a bar,were a lot of drunk guys hung out in the parking lot,and it's dark.NOT a good combination.

You still continue walking and soon come up to the bar.As you thought,there were a lot of drunk guys out there.You walk past them and you could feel their eyes staring at you.

"Hey,sweet cakes,where you going so late at night?"you hear one say.You ignore him,keep your head down,and walk faster.Then you hear footsteps behind you.

"Hey,I'm talking to you!"you hear him yell,now closer.
You feel someone grab your wrist and spin you around.He has a beer bottle in his other hand and he grins at you and you can smell the alcohol in his breath.It took all your will not to gag.

"Who do you think I am,letting someone like you get away?"the man says,smirking and looking down at you.You tug at him to let go,but he had a firm grip.
"Let's just see what we got under here,hm~?"he says,reaching for your shirt with the hand with the bottle.

Then,something hits his ribs,HARD so you hear a CRACK sound,causing him to let go of you and grab his side and double over in pain.Then something hits him again,this time in the leg.He falls to the ground and groans in pain.

Standing there was Vincent,with his arms crossed,looking down at the drunk man with a scowl.The man looks up at Vincent with a little fear in his eyes.
Vincent motions with his head to the bar and says in a harsh voice,"Scram."
The drunk man scrambles up and limps over back to the bar.

Vincent looks back at you.
"You ok?"he asks.
"Yeah,I'm fine.Just startled.Ik glad you were here,or something bad may have happen."you say smiling at him,but then you got to thinking and your smile fades.
"Wait,where do you come from?Were you following me?!"you say,glaring at him.
"Whhhhaaaat?Of course not!"Vincent says,with a hint of nervousness.
"So you just happen to in the area?"you ask,raising a eyebrow.

He clears his throat.
"That's not important right now!,"he says quickly," Do you want me to walk you home,just in case?This is not a time at night for a little girl."he says.

"I'm NOT a little girl!!"you say,stomping your foot.
"Sure do act like one...."he mutters under his breath.
"What was that?"you ask with a annoyed voice.

"Nothing,Nothing.Look,do you want be to walk with you home so I can protect you from the night crawlies or not?"he says,crossing his arms and grinning at you.

You thought for a minute.It would be safer for you,but you didn't want to seem like a wimp.BUT he was probably gonna keep following you anyway sooo.....

"Fine,you can tag along.I feel as if I have no choice in the matter anyway.You were just gonna keep stalking me,huh?"you say.

Vincent shrugs.
"Yeah,pretty much."he says.You role your eyes and start walking.Vincent jogs to catch up with you.You both talk the entire walk,him flirting with you sometimes and making you blush.

Then you both come up to your house.
"Thanks Vincent."you say to him.
"Anytime,Lovely~"he says,taking your hand and kissing it.You blush and he lets go,walking off.You watch him until you can see him anymore,then go inside.

You walk to your room and collapse on the bed.For some reason,you can only think about Vincent.Then you slowly go to sleep......

A Fangirl's Dream: The Monster Inside (Vincent x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now