My Only Sunshine

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Vincent POV

It's all my fault.

(Y/N) is hurt and it's all my fault.

Well,actually,if she told me sooner then I could have- WAIT,IM THE GULTIY ONE HERE,NOT HER!!!

I sit in (Y/N)'s hospital room with (Y/N) in the bed,machines hooked up to her and her necked wrapped up and a breathing mask on her.Beeping sounds come from the heart monitor.Mike and Jeremy sit on the other side of her,gives me nervous glances like Im gonna rip out their throats.I would have punched them for giving me those kind of looks,but after what happened at the Pizzeria,I don't blame them....

I didn't want this.I didn't want to hurt (Y/N) or anyone else again.After I kissed (Y/N),the Thing left me alone.For good I thought.
But I was so wrong.
And now my love was laying in a hospital bed,having to have a machine to breath.

The Thing made me.It made me hurt people.It made me attack my sunshine.
I can still taste her blood in my mouth,and it makes me wanna rip out my tongue.

(Y/N) moves a little and opens her eyes.
"(Y/N)!!!"all three of us yell,jumping up and running to her bedside,almost tripping.
"(Y/N),are y-"I began to say,until Jeremy talks over me.
"OMG (Y/N) a-a-are you o-ok?!"Jeremy yells almost.She nods a little.
"Well I'm-"I try again.
"A-A-Are you sure?!C-Cause we c-can get you a-anything if y-you need it!"Jeremy yells again.She gives him a weak smile,while I glare at him.

Mike sees me glaring at Jeremy.
"Er,come on Jere,let's go get them something eat."Mike says.Jeremy nervously glances at me again.
"B-But M-Mike-"he begins to say,but Mike cuts him off my grabbing his shirt collar and dragging him out the room.Mike shuts the door behind him.

I hug her as soon as they leave.
"Ow.....Neck....."she says weakly.
"Oh,sorry."I say,letting her go.I look at her face.She was deathly pale,and had a weak look in her (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N)....I'm so sorry,I never wanted to hurt you,or anyone for that matter....."I say,feeling tears come to my eyes.
"It's....ok Vincent....I understand...."she says weakly,smiling at me.

"I love you,Vincent...."she tells me.
"I love you more,(Y/N)."I tell her back.


I know what is about to happen,and I don't want it to....

I don't know what to I take her hand and gently squeeze it.I touch my forehead with hers.
I clear my throat.....and sing a song that my mother sung to me sometimes when I was sick or hurt or sad as a child:

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When the sky's are gray.
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you.....-

I choke on a sob and tears start falling.

"Please don't take my sunshine away....." (Y/N) finishes for me.She gives me one more weak smile,closes her eyes,and lays her head on the pillow.


A Fangirl's Dream: The Monster Inside (Vincent x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now