The Strange Man

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=One Hour Later=

You collapse in on of the booth tables,rubbing your leg.It was finally your break,and you were SO FREAKIN TIRED!!!

You get up real quick and get a drink,then sit back down in your booth.
You sip on your drink and look around.There were kids every where,running around and some watching the Toy-Like animatronics.

Then,for some reason you get the feeling that someone is watching you.You begin to look around more,and more closely.Then you see someone leaning against the wall near the stage,looking straight at you,grinning.

The man had purple everything.Purple clothes with a gold pocket,purple hair that was tied back in a ponytail,a big white grin,and his eyes were white with DARK DARK pupils so they almost looked black.To some he would have been creepy,but to you it seemed kinda hot.

For some reason it made you blush for him to be staring at you.

You look away from him and shield you face with a hand.Then you look back over to were he was standing.He gone.You look around in confusion.

"Why,Hello there~"says a voice behind you,making you jump.They spin your head around to see who it was.It was the purple man,leaning on one hand in the back of your booth chair.

He laughs a little.
"Sorry,lovely,I didn't mean to startle you."the man says.He sits in front of you,leaning on his arms and grinning at you.It made you blush again that he called you 'lovely'.

"So,what is your name~?"he asks,sitting his chin on a hand.
"(Y/N),yours?"you ask him,taking a sip from your drink.
"Vincent.Im guessing you are new?You just started today?"he asks,still grinning.

"Yeah,how did you know?Have you been stalking me or something?"you ask,grinning at him now.
"Pffffft,NO!"he says kinda quickly,"I just would have noticed a pretty face like yours around here sooner."

You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you set your drink down,the cup almost empty.Vincent laughs a little.
"You are so easy to make blush~"he says.Then a beeping went off from his watch.He checks it and groans.

"I have to get back to work,see you later,Lovely~"he says,winking at you then getting up.He walks past you,but then stops beside you.

He picks up the cup,pops the lid off and drinks the rest of your drink along with the ice.He licks his lips and grins at you.He places the cup in your hand and walks away,stilling grinning a big smile.

You sit there for a second and stare at your cup.

Did he just.....drink the rest....of your DRINK?!?!
You can't decide whether that was disgusting,or kinda sexy.

A Fangirl's Dream: The Monster Inside (Vincent x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now