|chapter four|

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SashaBanksWWE tweeted:

you can lie to everyone else and you can convince everyone i'm a monster... but what you won't do is rob the most important people in my life of what they deserve. you're gonna get your karma a lot sooner than you think. watch yourself R.

Sasha sat in her personal dressing room, smirking, as she posted her tweet. Tonight, she had something very big planned for her and Becky's contract signing for their title match at Elimination Chamber. Something no one would expect.

She fixed her outfit before heading to the gorilla, watching as other Superstars whispered to each other, obviously perplexed by her tweet. She couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when they found out the truth about their beloved Women's Champion.

Sasha's music cued up which let her know it was time. Finally, she thought.

Sasha walked out onto the ramp, basking in the cheers from the WWE universe. She made her way to the ring, a subtle grin on her face from what she had planned. She paitiently waited in the ring for Becky to come down and when she finally did, it was show time.

"Before we get this thing started, I actually have a few things to say to Sasha", Becky started as the crowd only continued to boo her.

"Oh shut up with your lame boos and your two faced support towards this chump. She doesn't deserve this match. She leaves for eight months, out of the blue, and comes back wthout warning and demands a title match? That's not how it works sweetheart. Not with me"

"Woah, woah Becky, isn't that exactly what you did? You left to have a baby--well, we thought you were leaving to have a baby and then you show up after a year and you have a title match against Bianca handed to you. Honey, you are in no place to call anyone a chump unless it's yourself.", Sasha grinned.

"What do you mean by 'thought' Sasha huh? Don't you think I would know if I were pregnant?"

"Well before we get into this matter I'd like you to sign the contract, just so that you don't back out y'know?", Sasha sent her a wink, which only angered Becky even more. "Fine, I'll sign the damn contract but I'm still gonna smash you to pieces so you oughta watch yourself Banks.", Becky spit before throwing down the mic and signing the contract.

She was about to leave the ring when Sasha stopped her. "Wait, Wait, Wait... I wasn't done, and I haven't even signed the contract yet so I suggest you stay.", Sasha had Becky confused and fuming. She reluctantly sat back down and waited.

"So nice of you to comply. Now, as I was saying, you claimed you were leaving due to pregnancy but these text messages say otherwise. Pull it up!"

The technician pulled up text messages between Becky and Alexa Bliss, who were close friends off screen. The messages consisted of Becky telling Alexa about how she and Mikaze--Sasha's now ex-husband, had sex while at a fan event and when Sasha and Seth found out, they slept together as revenge.

Alexa, of course, scolded Becky for sleeping with Mikaze but only scolded her more when she told her what happened afterwards. Becky found out Sasha was pregnant and lied to Seth telling him that Sasha was pregnant with Mikaze's baby so that Seth wouldn't take care of the child.

She then proceeded to further the lie, telling Seth that she was pregnant and about 3 months in, she said she lost the baby and didn't return for over a year so that the fans would think she was pregnant. Beck was fuming as she heard the gasps all over the WWE arena.

"See...now it didn't have to go this far Becky, but you have robbed my children of a father, and a happy mom, and I will not allow you to do that. And at Elimination Chamber I'm not gonna be as generous when I knock your fucking teeth out.", Sasha finished before signing the contract and leaving the ring.

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