|chapter eight|

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Becky: Surprise, surprise, look who's calling. Did it not go well with you and your little charity case?
Seth: Don't even start Rebecca, I called to confirm what joe told me.
Becky: Oh really? And what did he tell you exactly, hm?
Seth: Just the fact that you told Ashley you were planning on killing Sasha.
Becky: *laughs* Really? And you believed him?
Seth: Why would he lie about that huh? He cares about Mercedes more than anybody. Of course I believe him.
Becky: Listen Colby, you can believe whatever you want to believe, but neither you or Joe, or Ashley have any proof. So this conversation, is pointless.

That was all Becky said before hanging up the phone. Seth let out a series of curses under his breath before turning the recording off and putting Sasha's phone back. He looked back at his gps, realizing that he was way over the speed limit, and quickly slowed the car down.

He decided that they weren't gonna make it to their destination until late at night with all the traffic so he decided to stop at at nearby hotel, where he checked in, and then went back for the kids. Once he got them settled in, he went back for Sasha, who was stirring awake by the time he got back.

He gently picked her up, shutting her door closed with his foot. He left the bags in the car, figuring that they wouldn't need them for tonight. He carried her into the room, setting her down on the bed, climbing in next to her. She cuddled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, looking over at the twins who were cuddled up against each other.

Sasha and Seth were carrying the twins to the car, Sasha getting frustrated with her hair as the wind kept blowing it around. She had taken off her wig when she woke up, leaving her in her natural, black hair. Seth laughed as he saw her struggling to buckle Diamonté's carseat in.

After he got done buckling Donovan in, he went around the other side and took his hair out of it's bun, and used the ponytail band he used to tie Sasha's hair back into a ponytail. She looked back at him with a smile of thanks. She finished buckling Diamonté in, and then entered the car herself.

Seth looked over to see Sasha wearing his glasses. He laughed. "Excuse me Miss, I need those. Where are your glasses?", he smiled as she handed the glasses to him.

"Pam took 'em", she laughed. "She needed them for the drive, cause she forgot hers at Finn's apartment so I told her she could borrow mine.", she shrugged, lookin down at her phone. She saw a recording from 11:16 last night. "Hey Colby, why is there a recording on my phone from late last night?", she asked.

He stiffened at the sudden question but she didn't notice it. "I just had to record a call so I used your phone, sorry." "No, it's fine, I was just wondering. Is it important?"

"Sorta.", he answered. Sasha nodded, before scrolling around on Instagram. Seth looked ahead at the road, praying that there would be no distractions. They were about 15 minutes away from the destination when his phone rang.

(Let's pretend they're still in Boston cause I want Sasha to have a homecoming as the champ so lets just say they're going to a different arena)

He looked back down at the caller id where he saw Roman calling again. He internally groaned before answering.

Seth: What's up 'Ro?
Roman: You never called me back to tell me what Becky said. Is everything alright?

Sasha looked over at Seth, confused as to why Seth would be calling Becky. She thought back to the recording on her phone. She connected her earbuds and pressed play while Seth went back to talking to Roman.

Seth: Yeah we're fine 'Ro. I'll just have to...

Was the last thing Sasha heard him say as the recording started playing.

"Becky: Surprise, surprise, look who's calling. Did it not go well with you and your little charity case?
Seth: Don't even start Rebecca, I called to confirm what joe told me.
Becky: Oh really? And what did he tell you exactly, hm?
Seth: Just the fact that you told Ashley you were planning on killing Sasha.
Becky: *laughs* Really? And you believed him?
Seth: Why would he lie about that huh? He cares about Mercedes more than anybody. Of course I believe him.
Becky: Listen Colby, you can believe whatever you want to believe, but neither you or Joe, or Ashley have any proof. So this conversation, is pointless"

Sasha gasped, but quickly shut up, not wanting to alarm Seth. Why wouldn't he tell me this?, was all that went through her mind the rest of the drive.

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