|chapter six|

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Sasha was walking into the arena with her babies in their stroller. Tonight was Elimination Chamber and they were in her home town. She and Becky were gonna be facing off for the Smackdown Women's Championship in a No Holds Bar match and her nerves were through the roof.

Her mom and brother were gonna be watching in the front row and she wanted to do her best to make them proud. She made it to the room she was looking for, and knocked on the door. It wasn't even two seconds before the person behind it answered.

"Hey Sasha, come in.", Seth said, opening the door wider. He watched as she entered the room with the twins. His twins. He couldn't help but smile. "Hey you two.", he cooed. It was as if they had twin telepathy as they giggled at their dad.

"I gotta get to the ring to start practicing, are you okay with taking over here for a little while?", Sassha asked. "Not at all", Seth smiled at her, making her smile back. She kissed his cheek, before leaving the room. A grin spread across his face as he watched her leave. This is very bad.

*Middle Of Elimination Chamber*

It was time for Sasha and Becky's match. The singer for Sasha's entrance was ready as Sasha was calming her nerves. She walked through the curtain, getting on the podium that was set up. She put on her cloak, and waited for the light to cue up.

"Sashaaaa", the singer began. "Sashaaaaaaa... Somebody's calling your name...It's Timeeeeeeeee", Sasha began her entrace as the singer continued. "Sashaaaa... Sashaaaaaaa." Sasha removed the hood of her cloak as she imitated as if she was screaming. "Aaaaahhhhhhhh", Sasha removed the cloak off her body, revealing her blue, white, and black gear.

Her theme cued up as she strutted down the ramp, hugging some of the fans as she hopped up on the ring, entering through the ropes. She waited as Becky made her entrance, the referee holding the title up in the air, signaling for the match to start.

Sasha and Becky locked up, Becky gaining control for a moment before Sasha tossed her into the ropes, delivering a kick to her side. Sasha grabbed her by the hair, tossing her into the turnbuckle. Becky regained herself, giving Sasha an upercut.


Becky and Sasha were both laid out across the ring after Sasha delivered a suplex onto a ladder to Becky. Sasha started to stir, grabbing a handful of Becky's hair as Becky did the same. The two delivered blow after blow to each other, until Becky caught Sasha's arm and tried to lock in a dis-arm-her.

Sasha, however, was able to grab a chair and smashed it onto Becky's knee. Becky let go, screaming in agony. Sasha continued to bring the chair down against Becky's knee, causing more damage each time. She picked up Becky, securing her legs between the ropes, and bending her back against the turnbuckles, locking in the bank statement. Becky almost immediately tapped.

Sasha's theme played as she released Becky, collapsing onto the ring as the fans broke out into cheers. "Here is your winner... and the NEW WWE Smackdown Women's Champion.... SASHA BANKS!", the referee handed Sasha the title, as he helped her up and raised her hand.

She felt somebody capture her into a hug. She looked over to see Bayley, she smiled, hugging her back. Bayley raised her hand, congratulating her friend. Sasha's plan was now in it's final phase, and with it came a bittersweet feeling.

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