|chapter five|

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Sasha walked backstage to find everybody staring at her while whispering about what just went down. She ignored them, and went to find Bayley. She knew she would have to address the situation sooner or later, but right now, she needed to check on her babies.

She found Bayley sitting on a crate outside of catering, waiting for her. She walked over, slinging her am over Bayley's shoulder. "Hey dude. Is Naomi ready?" "Yeah, let me facetime her." Bayley's phone rang two times before Trinity, more known as Naomi, answered.

"Hey girlies. I just fed them and they're kinda sleepy so I'ma go ahead and turn the camera to them." "Thanks sis", Sasha replied. Soon, her babies were on screen and a huge grin spread over her face. "Hey my babies, how are you guys?", she cooed, watching them squirming around in their crib.

"Mommy misses you two so much.", she suddenly saw Hunter walking towards her. "I have to go, I love you guys so much. Goodnight sweeties.", she blew them a kiss before Bayley hung up th phone.

"Mercedes, I need to talk to you. Follow me please." Bayley gave a look that said good luck as Sasha followed Hunter to his office. When they arrived, Hunter opened the door, revealing Stephanie, Becky, and Seth all there. Her heart rate sped up, but she remained calm on the outside.

As soon as she entered, Becky turned around, her face red. "What the hell was that Mercedes?! This gonna cost me everything I've worked for!"

Sasha scoffed. "Please ask me if I give a fuck, because I promise I don't." "Language Mercy.", Stephanie warned her. "Now, I want to know what possesed you to do that on National TV."

"Rebecca has been spewing lies about me for months, she has the audacity to sleep with my husband, then tell lies about me to not only the WWE Universe, but to other wrestlers and I'm just supposed to be okay with that?"

"No, Mercy and we don't expect you to be okay with that but do you have any idea what you just did? That doesn't just affect Becky that affects me and Steph too."

"What about how what she did has not only affected me, but my children also? Do you know the rumors that have been circulating about me for the past 8 months? My children don't even have a father because of her! I've given everything to this busisness and I've given everything to her and she does this to me. Do you know how that feels?"

"And you", she turns to Seth. "I have been on my own for the past 8 months because you decided to believe a woman who doesn't give a damn about you over someone who's been there for you for 7 years. You don't realize how hard I've tried to be understanding of the fact that she's used you but you don't even care that she used me too!"

Seth looked down, not being able to look her in the eye. "And you Rebecca, I have been an amazing friend to you since the day you debuted and you betray me in the worst way possible. You deserve every terrible thing that is coming to you and I hope you rot in hell."

That was the last thing she said before she turned on her heel and stormed out of the office. She made her way to her dressing room, getting her stuff and was about to leave when someone walked in and locked the door behind them. She looked up to see Seth standing there with his arms crossed, eyes glossy.

"What do you want, Colby?"

"We need to talk."

"Yes we do, but that talk won't be happening tonight."

"Mercedes, please.", he begged. She looked at him with an expression of sympathy as she set her stuff down. "Talk."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean all that stuff I said. I was angry. Angry with myself because I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was such a fool for letting Rebecca get this far. I should've been there. I should've stepped up."

"Yes, you should have."

"I'm sorry."

"I know. I'm sorry too.", she said, looking at the floor.

"Sorry for what?"

"For not trying harder. For being angry when I know that it was hard for you too. I should've had more patience. I'm sorry."

Seth smiled. He opened his arms, hoping she would accept his embrace which she gladly did. She hugged him tight, fearing he would leave again if she let go. "Do we really have twins?", he asked. She chuckled. "Yeah. We really do."

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