|chapter eleven|

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Sasha laid in her hotel bed, eyes red and puffy with tears still streaming down her face. Seth had ended their relationship 3 days ago, and she lost the will to do anything anymore. She didn't even know if what they had could be called a relationship but he gave her hope that he had actually loved her and then he threw her away.

After he had ended it, Bayley had started beating the shit out of him, yelling every curse word in the book, while Sasha sat there in shock. He had the twins ever since then and Finn was on his way to pick them up, seeing as how Sasha wasn't in the right mental state to see Seth.

*Play Song*

"I'm going under and this time i feel there's no one to save me"

Sasha truged out of bed, wiping her tears.

"This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy."

Sasha walked into the bathroom, looking at her reflection., something she hadn't minded doing since she was a teenager.

"It's easy to say, but it's never the same"

She looked at her tangled hair, her swollen eyes, and the tear streals running down her face. She felt ugly, for the first time in years. She didn't know who she was without him, and it was killing her. Who knew that someone she knew so well could care so little about her. Could treat her like she was nothing.

"I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape."

She broke down again, her chest aching with every sob. It hurt, it hurt so bad. Her fist pounded against the countertop, trying her hardest to breathe.

"I let my guard down, and then you pulled the rug, I was getting kind of used to being someone you loved.

She reminicsed all the memories they shared, her cries getting louder and louder, not even caring at that point. He never loved her. It was always Becky, always. She could never compare.

"I was getting kind of used to being someone you loved."

Sasha heard someone knock on the door. She sniffled, drying her tears and making her way over. She opened the door to reveal Ashley, better known as Charlotte. She was in town for the draft, and when she heard what happened, she immediately went to check on her best friend.

She pulled Sasha into a hug, allowing the woman to cry into her chest. Sasha moved back, allowing Charlotte to enter. The two sat on the bed with Charlotte rubbing circles along her back.

"I understand if you don't wanna talk about it... hell, I wouldn't wanna talk about it, but I want you to know that I'm here Mercy, I always will be." Those last words were all she wanted to hear. Yeah, she had Bayley, Naomi, Bianca, Nia, and Alexa but Charlotte had been her friend far longer and the fact that she wasn't there when she needed her to be killed her.

But knowing that Ashley still cared no matter how long they went without talking or how many other friends they got was enough to make her feel much better. Sasha sat up, looking her friend in the eyes for the first time since she arrived.

"We got into a fight about how he always puts Rebecca above me, and after I stormed off he followed me, came into the locker room, only to tell me that he couldn't keep living a lie anymore, that what we had wasn't real. He still loves Rebecca. That was 3 days ago... I haven't seen him since."

Charlotte's blood was boiling. She wanted nothing more than to track down Seth and give him the beating of his life, but right now, her friend needed her. She put her anger aside and pulled Sasha back into a hug as she started sobbing again.

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