Parcel 9

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Third Person P

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Third Person P.O.V.

John B, JJ, Pope and Kiara are all at Kiara's parent's restaurant, analysing the map laid out in front of them.

"How did you guys even manage to get this?" Pope asks JJ, "we have our ways" he smirks. The others have noticed that he has been more smug lately, an extra spring in his step but they do not know why.

Truthfully, JJ couldn't care less about the conversation right now because every time he sees the map, he remembers she hid it between her legs and then he remembers when he kissed and sucked the same spot.

It is like a fever dream.

He has been waiting for this for as long as he has known and it even exceeded his expectations. But now he feels like an addict, restless until he gets his next dose.

"I don't care how they got it, as long as we are done with those bitches" Kiara comments, "okay, let's focus" John B brings everyone's attention back to the map. "We have the map now" he reminds them, "well it's all out of whack because the guy was ganja'd when he drew it" JJ comments.

"It's cause the coast has changed" Kiara corrects him.

"So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed" Pope theorises, "what about the old forts?" John B suggests. "Battery Jasper" Kiara points it out on the map and they all agree that this should be their first stop. 


Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I cuddle closer into my blanket, still feeling sore between my legs, a pleasant reminder of our early morning adventures. Smiling to myself, I can still feel his wet kisses on my inner thighs and all I want is to relive last night. 

I can't believe I just shared the most important part of me with Maybank, someone I barely thought about not a few months ago. 

The worst part is I don't regret it at all. 

I have never felt more connected to someone before, it was more than just sex, way more than simply physical. Every time I open my mouth, I have an urge to say his name. 

Though, Rafe passes through my mind. 

And although I do not feel regret, I feel bad about how it happened. I just cheated on my boyfriend with the person he despises the most in the world. 

If he ever found out, I don't know what he would do to JJ or me. 

There is a knock on my door which startles me, I tug the blanket over my chest as the door opens. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, your mother let me in" Rafe walks in, his hands filled with a tray of breakfast for me, "I thought you could use this" he lays it out in front of me. All my favourites; pancakes with maple syrup, bacon and eggs with a fruit salad and orange juice. 

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